Important info and people ect

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So imma say the names of some people and places ect, so when I talk about them in the future, nobody is confused.

Jam- My crush (Code name)

Annie- My 14 year old sister that lives with me

Zow- My (22) year old sister that lives with her dad

Caitlin- My (25) year old sister that lives in Leeds, Uk.

Gary- My 'dad'. I don't call him a dad, because he really isn't a dad. I met him a few times when I was 3 or 4. Haven't seen him since.

Mum- My disabled mother XD

Charlie - One of my cats (My fave)

Livi- Another one of my cats (Charlies sister. Second fave)

Saffy- My kitten (third fave)

Cody- My lil rat dog (Least fave) XD

The lanes- A bunch of shops in some lanes. (Usually go shopping there)

Churchill Square- A shopping mall

Maria- My ex bff, I've known her for 8 years. (Almost 9). She is also was dating Jam.

Martha/twin- My bff :) I call her that because we were born on the same day

I may add more later :)

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