Hospital 'n shiz + Jam and Maria breakup

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So, I'm back in Brighton now, and I'm also writing on my chromebook now because I was an idiot and didn't know you could go on wattpad with a laptop. So, yeah... I'm a silly goose.

I had all the tests done for blockers and I'll be getting the results in 6-8 weeks. So yeah, that's a while. I got to see my sister Caitlin. I stayed at my grandmas a few nights, and usually Caitlin would be there, but she was house sitting, so I had sleepover there. I also saw her the day I left to have breakfast, so that was nice.

I'm a bit worried though, because Jam's birthday is on the 20th of September, and that's around 6-8 weeks... He said I can go to his party, which is great! I'm gonna get him a panda related gift, because I got him a panda teddy for father's day (I call him dad as a joke), and I wanna keep it going.

Also, Jam and Maria broke up, which fucking sucks. I just want Jam to be happy, and he was happy when he was with Maria, but now he isn't with her... I just hope I can help cheer him up.

Basically, his friend went on his account, asked a random girl for nudes, screenshotted it, then sent it to Maria.

Jam tried to explain that it wasn't him, but she didn't believe him... So that's sucky.

I called him, but he was tired, so I'm going to talk to him in the morning.

I'll keep you posted about all of it.

Anyways, that's it. Byyyyeeeeeeee!

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