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staring at the bathroom wall, numb inside, their eyes unmoving as they fixate on the blank slate / they tried painting it once, but a day later, before the artistic blood had even begun to dry, they washes it away / if they squinted, there might've still been traces / though the thing inside that feels doesn't find the point to care / why should it?

caring was such a pointless thing, to them / it was like putting meaning in something so useless it was almost funny / almost / caring to them was when your heart drifted along the waves, numbing into driftwood, but finding that your body was to sluggish to hang, so they instead drifted, forever lost at the cold expanse of the ocean.

they remember when they screamed themselves raw, till their mouths bled red and the corners of their chapped lips hurt from the pounding sound / it was waves crashing on the ragged cliffs, spraying salt and tears to the sky, writing a story as they tore chunks of rock with them, hollowing the land from the inside, reminding all of their barely beating heart / it was earth rumbling, the shaking shoulders sensing tremors through the world, cracks running down human tainted cheeks / no one ever seemed to understand.

so the vessel stared at the wall, the only thing their mind could do was sink deeper into the abyssal state of the obsidian depths / thoughts, words, letters, all slowly terminating away as darkness obliterates them / there'll be no ashes left to resurrect the lost life-form, but then again, peering into the void of your brain, would there really be a point to revival?

hollow eyes and hollow hearts, they're an abandoned body, left with the dust and grounded bones of a once divine world / it's in ruins now, stripped to coral and marble / tragedy tasted the heart of this existence and licked it clean, excavating the tribulations and woes / indifference devoured their body, picking away at the limbic system piece by piece, shovelling away emotions.

so the boy that stood by the sea drowned in his sorrows / from the sea he came, and to it he returns.

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