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dedicated to glass_shatters
thanks for inspiring me and being an amazing person

dedicated to glass_shatters thanks for inspiring me and being an amazing person

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a gloom setting over the ominous caverns, the sun setting itself away in the distant  mountains, it avoids them / want has wreathed itself tightly around the young beings heart, digging in with bone shards and broken coins / does it still taste the savages that once drummed echoes of roars and calls into the ancient walls of prehistoric fossils or does it lap up the softness that settled upon the marrow of the stripped bone?

standing on the edge of a jagged cliff, wind whispering along glossy skin the cries of the hellbound / wide eyes can't look down, this was the beginning / souls of mourning reach out with clawed hands and duct-taped wings, spite resting on their shoulders like a mist of earned anger / weariness and masked desperation a symphony etched upon the throats of atmans staring at bedroom ceilings / hope diminishes at the edge of this cliff, sifting to sand, falling through trembling fingers, falling fast / i think the darkness now reigns?

graveyards lit up by waxing candles / thoughts wondering numbly if the moon was real, if galaxies truly lied within the sky / ghosts breathing tales of above ground before they fade to choked screams and desperate memories / they want to leave something behind / when they disappear, truly disappear, i wonder, will their aching stories still be uttered or left to the ashes of a world above roots?

but they forgot of the skeletons that danced till dawn / there was no dawn.

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