2. Breaking In (At least, trying to)

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Nico Di Angelo's POV (CBH)

After Chiron dismissed us, I calmly walked back to my cabin to pack, unlike a certain son of Hephaestus that I could mention *cough*Leo*cough*. I grabbed my duffel bag that already had most of the stuff I would be needing, (it is always good to always have packed a travel bag on hand you never know when you could be sent on your next dangerous quest for the gods!). I grabbed a couple of extra things, then I shadow-traveled in front of the Zeus cabin figuring that everyone would meet there because it is the most convenient place to meet, considering that there are now cabins everywhere.

Annabeth Chase's POV (AA)

I woke up to the sound of someone knocking on my apartment door. It was probably my friends from camp. I dragged myself out of bed and started going through my morning routine. I first showered, got dressed and brushed my hair. Then I made my bed like the responsible person I am. By the time I had finished all that it had been about ten minutes. When I went to answer the door, I heard some very familiar voices outside.

"It's been ten minutes, should we just pick the lock?" said a voice that I recognized as Travis Stoll's.

"Yeah, I mean, we probably look like idiots for standing out here so long" replied his brother.

"Are you sure this is the right address? We don't want to barge in on someone who we don't know." I heard Piper say

"I'm positive. I double and triple checked it with Chiron" I heard Thalia confirm.

"Okay! Okay! Let's just pick the lock already" Travis interrupted anxiously. I heard someone rummaging around, then a sigh, "So... Does anyone have a bobby pin?" I imagined Travis rubbing the back of his neck with a sheepish grin.

I chose this moment to open the door for my friends. Who I saw outside gave me a shock. It was all of my friends! I saw Travis and Connor, Thalia, Piper, Nico, Jason, Rachel, Leo, Katie, and Will. Travis and Connor had their backs to me. I motioned for the others to stay quiet so that the Stoll's didn't realize that I opened the door.

"Really guys! You knew that if Annabeth hadn't answered the door we would be picking the lock! I would have thought at least someone brought some extras just in case!" Travis scolded the group while Connor was looking through his bag, presumably looking for something to pick the lock of the door that was already open.

"Found a paperclip!" Connor exclaimed holding up said paperclip. With a proud smile, he turned toward the door to pick the lock to then drop the paperclip in shock. The rest of my friends burst out with a laugh that they had obviously been holding in since I opened the door.

"Oh, uh, hi Annabeth!" sputtered Connor trying to make it seem like he wasn't about to attempt to break into my apartment.

"How much did you hear?" asked Travis with a gulp.

"Oh I heard everything from the point that you decide it was time to pick my lock," I said with a smile.


"Come on in guys, you look like idiots standing out there," I joked. As a friendly gesture, I held the door open like a butler, which got a laugh out of everyone. As we all gathered in my living room, I asked a question that had been bothering me since my friends first knocked on my door. "So guys, what exactly are you doing here so early in the morning?"

"Well-" started Travis

"-You see-" Connor continued


"Oh, stop!" interrupted Thalia, "Chiron told us that we need to go to high school, and so we got put in a group together, and we will be attending Goode for high school, and we need somewhere to stay for the duration of the school year so we were hoping that you might have some extra space?"

I blinked. "I'm not sure if  I have enough space for, what is it, ten of you? But, I could make it work. I replied, my brain whirring. "I have a couple guest rooms, these couches here are pulling out beds, so that is four beds there, and then I have some air mattresses, so that's another 3 beds, then I think the rest of you could sleep in sleeping bags." I voiced my thoughts. "And if necessary, we can always rotate who sleeps where every few weeks or something"

Time Skip Which Happens To Be Sponsored By My Cat Oreo

Percy Jackson's POV (PA)

"Percy, it's time to get up. It's the first day of school." I heard my mom whispering in my ear

"five more minutes" I replied mostly asleep. I rolled over and fell back asleep.

"I made you blue waffles" At that, I bolted upright, repeating, "Where? Where?"

"In the kitchen"

Word Count: 831

A/N: I thought today that I would give you readers a question about the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series. I have seen this question many times, but the real answer isn't what you think it is.


What is the first thing that Annabeth says to Percy? (Again, the answer might not be what you expected. Answer will be in the next chapter!)

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