Chapter Two: 🌑 pt.2

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He picked you up bridal style this time. You looked at him a little puzzled. "Why are carrying me like this?" He looked Down at you, his face glowing a brilliant tan and sun kissed godliness. "You were complaining about the other way... so I thought I should be more considerate and carry you like this." His grip around your side tightened as he put you in the car. You sat in an awkward silence as he drove his car throughout the quite neighborhood.

We started to reach the fancy parts of the city complete opposite of where you lived. Everything was so bright and expensive. "Ah, Right here!" He stopped the car on the side of the road and put it in park. You noticed his gaze towards you. You looked back at him and he looked away immediately. You laughed a little at his tomato turned cheeks. "WHat?!" He grabbed his throat and started coughing as you laughed historically at his voice crack. "PFFFFFFT! HAHAHAHAHAHA" You threw your head back and hit it on the seat hard enough to make you wince in pain. "HAHA! Now you know how it feels..." He gave you the coldest stare. He grabbed a knife from his pocket, he started inching closer and closer till his every breath could be felt on your ear. He then untied and cut off the ropes holding you still.

He grabbed your hands and started rubbing on your wrist. "Here wear this it'll help hide the marks from the rope..." he handed you a thin grey jacket it had very many holes at the hem of the jacket but you were fine with it. "Thank you! But I have a couple of questions..." you raised one eyebrow. "Ask away" he flung his arms in the arm with a 'whatever' face and the atmosphere got serious and quite for a second. "One, What are we doing here? Two, why did you kidnap me? And Three, what's your name exactly?" He nodded and said his answers one by one. "Ok... One, we are getting you new clothes doesn't matter what you like because I'm picking out what I think would look good on you." He winked. You rolled your eyes and said "Ok number Two please!" He looked you straight in the face and grabbed your face pinching your cheeks squishing you entirely. "Your special..." you hung your head to the side "Are you kidding me... I'm a-" he cut you off by putting his hand over your mouth. You were still in the car so it was getting a little hot. "MFMFHFMFHFHHFHFHT" he removed his hand. "WHAT THE HECK WAS THE ABOUT?!" You said in a yelling whisper. "Just be quite please..." He looked at you with sort of an eager plea. You could see the fear in his eyes as he hurried to find the car keys. "We have to go." He made no eye contact with you and started the car.

It had been a while sense you got in the car and the quite was eating away at the one last eager question. " Hey..." you couldn't find my words "Yeah, what's up?" He looked at you with sincere eyes. "You never answered my last question." You exchanged looks for a second then he focused back on the road. "Oh yeah... I forgot." He kept focusing on the road not moving a muscle. "What, your name or the question?" You asked giggling slightly which made him smile also. "The question you potato." He smiled through his sentence. For some odd reason you like that he called you a potato. No no you don't like it... This man Kidnapped you! You shook the thought out of your head as you asked him again.

"So Mr. Kidnapper, what's your name?" He smirked and finally answered as the car took a slow stop. "Park Jimin... and I know you know me." You froze. You couldn't move or speak. You felt brain dead hearing that dreadful name. "Y-you m-mean..." You gulped nervously. You could feel the beads of sweat starting to form on your forehead as he stared into your soul. "THE Park Jimin..." You couldn't move you felt trapped and stuck. "Baby, just call me Jimin." He smiled at you, and your heart dropped.

Authors nonsense:
So this got interesting... maybe😏😏
But did you already know it was him?? Obviously because the title gives it away...
I apologize if this chapter isn't a 'quality' chapter, but it's like 2:58 almost 3am and I'm getting tired... so I hope you enjoyed😁😁

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