Chapter three: all wrapped up😷

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You screamed and kicked as the man dragged you into the estate. He had a tight grip on your wrist which would frequently change as he had to readjust to your squirming around. You finally got to the front door and cried your eyes out as the man shoved you to the floor in the hallway. "Please! Just let me go" You plead through every teardrop. Jimin just stared at you laying on the floor crying your heart out. "Pathetic..." He walked up to you and you started crying even more when he grabbed onto the back of you shirt and dragged you up the steps, each step hitting your back in such agony that you started to scream. He stopped at the top step and waited for you to stop crying and screaming. "Would you just shut up. I don't need the neighbor reporting me again..." your crying slowed down but you sill felt scared. "Finally you cry baby." He let go of your shirt for a split second and you made a run for it. "You know you won't be going far, you can't run anywhere y/n!" You hated that he knew your name but that was the least of your worries.

You turned the corner of the steps seeing a door in your view. Jimin just sat there and stared at you as you walked towards the door. He looked away for a second and then you ran. You looked back at Jimin as you ran. He was laughing at you. "What's so funny Jimin?!" You ran into something hard and fell over. You felt like an idiot. A man looked down at you. He had short red hair. Half of it was swept to one side and the other was swept to the other side. "Where do you think your going?" He smirked at you. You shoved the man out of your way only to be grabbed by the wrist and shoved you to the floor, your hands smacking the tile making an unpleasant echo in the quiet house. "Jungkook be careful with her, we don't need another repeat of last time... do we?" He stared at the redhead named Jungkook. He grabbed you just a bit under your thighs with both arms and hoisted you up over his shoulder. "Hey watch it!!" You yelled. "Stop yelling you blabber." He mimicked your tone of voice in an annoyingly higher manner which upset you but you let it slide. You couldn't tell quite where exactly you were going but you could tell you were at least moving which let you know unfortunately your not asleep. Jungkook started up the steps when you heard another voice. This voice wasn't one you recognized.

"How many of them are there." You murmured quietly. "Oh there are 7 of us." He trailed off into thought when the other guy started talking. "Hey! Kookie!" He sounded a bit too cheerful for the occasion. "Yes hyung?" Jungkook said to the man. "Is that the one Jimin was talking about?" He ran up the steps and walked around Jungkook, to meet my eyes he had to crouch down a little. "Ah~ She's a pretty one." He admired you from his perspective. "Shut up." You said. You tried biting at him but he back away before you could. Raising his arms up in a surrender position. "Feisty too." He looked a bit scared when you looked up. You laughed a little on the inside, not even conscious at the fact that Jungkook could feel you laughing on his shoulder. "What are you laughing at?" He said smirkingly. "Nothing... nothing." You looked back down a bit, embarrassed of the fact he knew you were laughing. "Ok bring her here." Jimin said demandingly. Jungkook put you down. You lost your balance and fell against his chest putting out your hands so the impact would hurt as bad. You looked up at Jungkook, who was obviously worried but wanted to act to tough to show it. "Hey I'm gonna go take care of our business real quick." Jungkook said with a smirk. "But I said-" Jungkook cut him off. "And I said I needed to take care of business." He glared at the man. You looked over to see the other one walking away. Putting a finger to his mouth signaling me to stay quiet. I nodded and he smile at me before disappearing into another room. He grabbed you around the waist with one arm and threw your arm over his other shoulder to support you as you walked into a room.

You started freaking out and kicking but Jungkook ignored you as he sat you on the bed and locked the door. He grabbed a gun and pointed it up. "You cause any problems and this will be the last thing you hear." He shot the gun at the ceiling making you jolt. "What do you want from me?" You felt this sort of attraction towards him, but decided to just brush it off because you shouldn't feel that way about a man who is threatening to shoot you. "You obviously don't know who we are right?" He scoffed. "YOU REALLY DON'T KNOW US HUH?!" He started screaming at you. "Why are you screaming at me?" You said it low enough to where only you could hear. "WHAT YOUR MOTHER DID HAS EFFECTED JIMIN SO MUCH!" You were crying at this point. He was gripping onto your arms and leaving bruises where his hands were placed. "Please stop." You whimpered weakly. "YOUR SUCH A CLUELESS LITTLE RAT AREN'T YOU?!" You were crying at your highest point there we're just flowing rivers of fear running down your cheeks. Am I going to die? Am I really not going to hear anything less then a gunshot and I'm done? Is this the end of my road? He stopped screaming and all You could hear were your loud cries and whimpers. "P-please just... just stop." You begged him through your cries. You were practically spitting from how much you cried. Your body was just so tired that you fell limp on his shoulder. He laid you down and got up and went into the bedrooms bathroom.

He walked out with a first aid kit and a towel. He opened the box and you could see needles, ace wrap, bandaids, etc. what happened next startled you just a little but it was almost comforting. Jungkook grabbed you lightly, making sure to avoid the bruising on your arm. And hugged you. Your chest pressed against him and his arms wrapped around you. "I'm sorry." His grip around you tightened. "J-Jungkook... that kinda hurts." He pulled away. His eyes were turning glossy. "I'm sorry, I-I just don't know what it is bu-" you pulled him into a hug. His warm tears could be felt rolling down his cheeks onto your shoulder. Jungkook pulled away and took a good look at you. "Your even cuter when your all puffy." He smiled and grabbed your cheeks and gently leaned in and kissed your forehead. He grabbed the ace wrap and told you to give him your arm. You did as he said and he wrapped up where your bruises were. "I need you to take your shirt off too..." his cheeks were turning red and you laughed a little at it. Just that little smidget of laughter took all of the energy out of you. "Hey Jungkook..." He looked at you. "Can you look away please... it feels weird having you look at me." He smiled then continued to turn around. You were in the middle of talking your shirt off when he said "You know y/n there's no point of me turning around when I'm still going to have to see you when I wrap you up right?" He was laughing, your could tell just by the slight movement of his shoulders. You were in your bra now and felt somewhat comfortable. "You can turn around now." He turned around and came towards you and grabbed the wrap. His hands brushed up against your back sending you shivers as he tucked the wrap into your bra clasp. "I need you to lift up your arms." You did as he said and kept them up until he was done wrapping you up. "Thanks Jeon Jungkook..." he stared at you. "Is there somethi-" he interrupted you. "Don't say Jeon... just leave it at Jungkook and that's that." He demanded. "Now put your shirt back on you weirdo." You put your shirt back on and he guided you out of the room to the basement where there were multiple locked iron doors. As you walked past one you heard a loud bang hit the door. It made you jump back hitting Jungkook in the chest, as he brought his hands under your shoulders to hold you there more yelling came from behind the door. "It's just business..." He then practically picked you up by your elbows and carried you to what looked like an interrogation room. "Sit here until Jimin, me, and the others come back." He walked out. "We... THE OTHERS?!" Time just kept going by you as if it's oblivious to the fact that you need to keep track of it. Finally your eyes started getting heavy and you dozed off, with your arms crossed under your chin.

Authors nonsense:
Sorry that I haven't been updating on this boring Story. Ive been so busy with dance that my feet wanna die but my fingers have the urge to type🤣😂 I'm just hoping you guys are enjoying it!!💙💙

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