Chapter 2 - Whole New Harry

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The next time Harry woke it was like casting Lumos—he went from sleeping to waking in a heartbeat. As his eyes flicked open, he took in everything with total clarity. The room was dark except for the light from the fire, but he could see everything clearly. Smells and sounds invaded his senses with incredible sharpness, showing him everything all at once.

Then he felt it, the lifeforce of a human being close by. The essence of another living being sang to his soul the same way the human heartbeat chorused in his ears. The presence so close by called to him.

Slowly he sat up and turned.

Malfoy was lying on the other side of the bed. From the looks of him he had been asleep, but as Harry swept his gaze over the relaxed form, he came back to Malfoy's face to find grey eyes looking at him.

"It's over then," Malfoy said, almost managing to hide the fear under a layer of calm resignation.

Harry found himself becoming intoxicated by the sight of him.

Malfoy was lying under a single sheet and, the way the soft cotton moulded to his form, he was naked. It was almost as if Malfoy was a willing sacrifice. Harry took in every detail and his companion did not even shift.

"I don't think you are quite what the Dark Lord was expecting," Malfoy said, trying to sound off-hand and failing. "You actually make quite a beautiful dark creature."

Desire and hunger flooded through Harry like a single wave, and he closed his eyes, drawing in the smell and essence of the wizard before him. There was no hesitation in his movements as he came back to himself and moved onto all fours, letting the blanket fall off his naked frame. He placed himself above Malfoy, one arm either side of his victim's chest, as he looked down at the resigned and slightly afraid features of the sacrifice.

In an abstract way he knew who he was looking at, he even knew who he was, but it was all secondary to the needs he felt coursing through his body.

"Are you going to eat me or have sex with me?"

The quip came out without a trace of a tremor, but Harry could feel the fear in the body below him and it made him smile. Part of him revelled in the reaction. Almost casually he reached over and picked up the edge of the sheet, slowly drawing it back, millimetre by millimetre to reveal pale, prefect flesh. He could see Malfoy's pulse beating fast under the delicate curve of his throat, and, as his protection was removed, Harry saw tension slipping into Malfoy's revealed muscles, but there was no move to resist.

There was still a section of his nature that allowed Harry to appreciate how much courage it must have taken to just lie there and, as some of his baser instincts told him to hurt this pale helpless creature, they were quelled by the quiet surrender. No doubt arose in Harry's mind to counter the notion that Malfoy was now his, but the violence lurking just below the surface was not freed either.

He ran one talon tipped finger down the centre of the hairless chest and paused just above the nest of pale blond hair surrounding Malfoy's flaccid cock. Something in him was not happy about this particular vision of surrender.

"I think," Harry said quietly, his voice sounding strange even in his own ears, "that you should be enjoying this more," and he pushed magic down his arm and through his occupied fingers.

Now Malfoy arched off the bed into his touch with an unstoppable groan of arousal as Harry flooded his victim with sensation and lust overcame fear. It was not a subtle seduction, even though he knew he could have made it such, but he had no patience for that at the moment.

Malfoy was becoming hard as he sank back towards the bed, breathing in short gasps and biting his lip. There was resentment in the eyes that looked at Harry now. Malfoy had obviously not expected to react like that, or possibly to even still be alive.

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