Chapter 4 - Text Messages

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Third Person View

Hours passed, Michael was bored as hell at his apartment and Lizzy alone in her room and her parents are "having fun" finding it hard to sleep.

Michael was lazily sitting on his bed doing nothing, ti'll an idea struck in his head.

He pulled out his phone and the paper Lizzy gave him, he thinks Lizzy's pretty cool because she looks like one of those girls who are the shy and simple type.
(Lower case intended.)

M : hey, its michael from the ice cream store, whatya doen?

Lizzy was about to fall asleep, finally, but her phone buzzed as she jolted up from her bed. She took the phone and smiled like an idiot at the message she got.

L : 'bout to fall asleep, til ya woke me up, red head. :c

Michael laughed at the reply he got.

M : sorry, was bored as hell and i thought it would be god to text ya.

M : good* fuck i hae autocorrect.

L : hate*

M : oh come on.... >:c

L : welp dats for waking me up. So wutya wanna talk about?

M : 20 quest?

L : im in, u ask the question first.

M : okay, hm. Full name?

L : simple question i see, okay, im Lizzy Crystal Brown, same question to u?

M : easy, Michael Gordon Clifford.

L : who dafuq names their son that?

M : stappppppppppp



L : YOUR'e*

M : its your, idiot.

L : nah, its you're, idiot.

M : you need to go to school, love.

L : wow, sweet nick, dickhead.

M : i was tryin to be nice, -_-

L : im not.

M : atleast i got a girl-version of me.

L : you dont know me YET, so where's 20 questions?

M : ohyea, age?

L : im 18, and im a 5 yr old too, u?

M : could tell, well im 18 too, orrrr im 69 ;)

Lyou dirty, dirty bastard.

M : my personality, now, fav color?

L : hm, violet/purple/black or anything that can be a good look for badass.

M : sameeee, gurl. Dyed your hair? Well duh, but how many times?

L : literally tried more than 10 colors to choose a great looking fade effect color. Blue one popped out, now u?

M : hm. More than 20 i guess. Had any friends?

L : none, well, i had some but they just did it because of a stupid dare. >:(

M : easy tiger.

L : wut bout u? How many friends?

M : many, but my 3 best mates are super close to me, even showered with them.

L : sooo, foursome? ;3

M : yeah

L : wait WGHAT1?!

M : im kidding, soooo shit.

Lizzy was confused at the last text Michael sent him, maybe because he was in trouble? Minutes later there was a message from Michael again.

M : sorry about that, problems. But i gotta go, maybewe can meet sometime?

L : sure, idiot. Im tired as hellll,, well g'nyt?

M : g'nyt Lizzy, sweet dreams, hun.

L : bai

M : baiiii

We're so awkward, they both thought.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2018 ⏰

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