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Luke checked his watch it was 12. 30 and he was running late for the meeting with the pastor. He had been a praise and worship leader for about 4 years at Life Ministries and today’s meeting was an informal interview. The church had been looking for a music pastor and Luke had been the most obvious choice. He had completed his theological training at the London School of Theology at about the same time he accepted the full time paid role of praise and worship leader. The church was growing at an incredible rate and membership was at a current record high of 10000. He loved serving God at Life ministries and felt like for the first time his life was going well and as God had planned. He smiled as he thought of the verse; the steps of a righteous man are ordered by the lord. He certainly wasn’t a saint but he felt God’s hand move upon his life. He put the volume up on the new hill song Cd he had been listening to, God was truly faithful. Everything was going well but before he knew it a foolish driver had failed to give way, his attempts to alert the driver by honking where in vain, the two cars lightly collided. The sound of car alarms needless to say was catastrophic and annoying and the air bag slightly nudged him back. He groaned and put his hands on his head, Lord why, why? He came out of the car ready to tell the other driver that this accident would not be on his insurance. He certainly wouldn’t be paying higher insurance premiums for a careless driver’s mistakes. If the police had to be called he would do it without question. As he knocked on the window of the driver who was still seated in the car, he was met by a tear stained face. It wasn’t fear that reflected on those big brown eyes that looked at him hopelessly, but it was sheer sadness. He felt bad about the fact that he had stomped up ready to give the driver his piece of mind. The angelic face that looked at him finally spoke, “I’m so very sorry for such careless driving, it’s all my fault and I’ll make sure it’s on my insurance. “The woman came out of her car, tears still visible on the rim of her eyes. He couldn’t help but ask “are you ok?” She responded in a curt and cold manner. “I’m fine.” Her facial expression changed as if she had realised that her manner was a bit rude. “Thanks for Asking, my name is Amber Rose we should probably exchange numbers for the sake of the insurance.” “I’m Luke Brown. “ He introduced himself and took her details. “From what I can see my bonnet has been scratched but other than that everything seems ok. Don’t worry about it Amber it was an innocent accident and I’m sure the insurance will cover it. She looked at him relief pasted on her face yet those sad angelic eyes where still there and there were still red. Her delicate English rose skin was still tear stained. “After inspecting both cars they turned to go back to their vehicles. Luke felt like he couldn’t leave this woman crying, she wasn’t crying at that exact moment but she had been crying previously. He walked back to her and said, “Sorry if I’m being too direct Amber but you seem sad, there’s a coffee shop right across the road. It may be an idea for you to settle your nerves and have a cup of coffee and if you need a listening ear I’m more than happy to listen”. She gave a quick response. “Thanks for the offer but I’ll be ok.” He still felt as if he couldn’t let her go, what Christian let a crying woman wonder off in her sadness. “Are you a Christian?” he asked. She nodded.” What church do you go to?” He enquired again, he knew he was being a bit too personal but his spirit was burdened and would remain so until he provided whatever help God wanted him to provide. By now it seemed obvious, accidents weren’t exactly an everyday occurrence for him, and it seemed God’s hand was in this one. God wanted him to probably encourage this woman then he would be on the way to the interview that clearly wasn’t going to happen today. “I’ve just moved from Manchester,” she spoke in a quiet and soft voice, “I used to go to Victory Christian centre.” “You’ve just moved from Manchester, wow that’s great! How are you finding London, I must say your accent doesn’t sound like it’s from up north though.” She smiled revealing a beautiful set of pearly whites. “That’s because I was born and raised in London but moved to Manchester 5 years ago.” “That makes so much sense; I thought I was losing touch with reality because I was certain your accent was no way near what a northern accent sounds like.” “ Before I go let me give you something” he said. He ran to his car and came back with a leaflet. “If you need a church come and visit us at Life Ministries, in fact we are having a mid-week service tomorrow evening so just pop in if you are free. It was nice meeting you Amber Rose; I wish it could have been under pleasant circumstances. Take care of yourself and God bless.” Amber thanked him, bid him farewell and drove off to premier inn where she was staying.

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