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It came to Amber the following week as she lay in her bed. She was going to ask her mother to sign over guardianship to her. It was such a big and risky move all she could do was pray to God. She was so excited she grabbed her phone on the night stand and dialled Luke’s number; he picked the phone up sounding groggy. “I’ve figured it out Luke; I’m going to ask for guardianship from my mother. Isn’t that great, I was just lying in bed when it came to me. Anyways thank God for that. Go back to bed because I can hear you are in dreamland” That night she slept with a smile on her face. She woke up and fell on her knees, “God I trust you with everything that is in me. Take the steering wheel and guide my life. Soften my mother’s heart so that she would do what’s right for the kids.” In the morning she got ready to go to her mother’s house. This time she didn’t hesitate but rang the bell with confidence. After settling down she spoke. “Mum you’ve been raising children for 24 years. I can’t I imagine how tiresome that must have been.” She paused and tried to select her words with care. “Let me help you mum, let me lessen the load. With Matthew’s dad gone it must be difficult, if you sign the guardianship over to me you’ll be able to come and see them whenever you want, but you wouldn’t be stuck with the hassle of taking Matthew to school etc.” Mary-Anne sat there as of she was considering Amber’s proposal before saying, “Yes take him now he’s a useless boy, nothing but trouble. You kids have been nothing but trouble for me. Go and pack his bags Amber and come back for him later, nothing but trouble,” she muttered. As Amber drove to her flat with Matthew’s earthly possessions she thanked God. She was happy yet sad that he would not grow up with his mother. Mary-Anne was becoming increasing incoherent and Amber worried for her mental state. She sent a message to her siblings to let them know what was happening. When she got home she phoned Luke. It so happened that he was free so he offered to come over and help her prepare her flat for 5 kids to move in. It was a two bedroomed flat so the boys would share one room and the girls the other. She sat down feeling a bit panicky. How was she going to raise a 5 year old boy? On top of that business was starting to boom, so far most of her clients had been in London, but she knew that it was inevitable for her to start travelling. Who would look after Matthew? Then again if she didn’t work she wouldn’t be able to look after the kids. She prayed to God for peace and strength.

Luke left the church building to find his car he wasn’t doing much so he thought he would help Amber. Pastor Sherwood stopped him in his tracks. “Hey Luke I just wanted to say I’m proud of you son. I’m glad you seem stronger than ever. Are you off to somewhere? “Yeah I’m off to help Amber; she’s been given guardianship over her siblings so she needs help moving them in.” Pastor Sherwood paused, a look of hurt flashed across his eyes but as quickly as it was there it disappeared. “Oh… Ok” Luke noted that Pastor Sherwood had got the wrong end of the stick; it had been less than a year since his daughter died. Did he really think he would move on that fast? “I hope you don’t think there’s anything going on we’re just friends.” The lead pastor put his hand on Luke’s shoulder. “Son I just want you to know that even if something was going on you would have my blessing. Nicole is gone now; you have to look to the future. Trust in God to bring you the right woman. I know you two are very close. In-fact Amber looked lost with both you and Nicole gone so I’m hoping to see her looking lively again. Ask God for wisdom; don’t let what God has in store for you pass you by just because you are hung up the past.” With that the pastor walked away. As Luke drove to Amber’s house he reflected on the pastor’s words. Thinking about Amber in any other way other than as a friend felt like a betrayal to Nicole. Yet there was no denying that he would do anything for Amber. She had always been a special person and from the moment he met her he had wanted to help her. Here he was on his way to help her again. He knew she held a special place in his heart, but he couldn’t take the risk. He stopped himself this was downright ridiculous. Amber was a friend and nothing more.

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