Raging Bull Of Daragunj

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My Munna kaka was definitely the angriest member of the tiwari household and that was quite something to be the angriest among a group of people that had the letters WAR in thier name. he would often ask me whether he let his rage get the best of him sometimes but i for the sake of our relation would say no but nothing could be further away from the truth.The marraige of my munna kaka was in trouble because of his temper. Him and his better half would very frequently get into squabbles until
that fateful night........

It was the cold month of January and there was a little quarrel between my munna kaka and ragini kaki.It was not unusual for us and I couldn't care less as they lived on the otherside of house but it became a nuisance for my bharat kaka and he took golu the son of munna kaka and ragini kaki and closed them both into the room and said,"FIGHT ASMUCH AS YOU SAVAGES WANT I WILL OPEN THIS DOOR AFTER THE FIGHT IS OVER"

While all this was going on i was in my room sleeping in the deepest slumber possible after going through a day filled with hardships and distress of any regular student. Nothing important is gonna happen in the next few minutes, nothing which we or atleast I haven't seen a million times before.So let me take this precious moment to explain the meaning of the name of this chapter "RAGING BULL" is one of the gratest movies ever made and it is based upon the life  of boxer Jake Lamotte, Essayed Brilliantly by Robert De Nero in an oscar winning turn in which his rage takes him to the top of the ring but destroys his life outside. the part i am concerned with is the boxer . And Daragunj was the area of Allahabad city where ragini kaki grew up. You might have guessed what i am pitching here.

Oh now the interesting part begins. All of a sudden voices stop inside,such an abrupt end to a fight
was unheard of in the tiwari household. Ideally quarrels would end with one member running out of the house and few members would get him back or one of the concerned parties would be thrown out of the room and they would have to make the sofa thier resting place for the night but not this time in a fraction of a second the voices inside stopped.

And my Munna kaka start banging the door for someone to open it up. Magan KAKA whose room was just beside the room of munna kaka opened the door and munna kaka rushed straight to bharat kaka's room.My bharat kaka is a doctor and as he opens the door munna kaka laid out a blood curling scream and shouted "Mari Naak Tuti Gayi (My Nose Is Broken)".

And by that scream i woke up and saw that my parents were rushing to him so i went too. He was seated on the sofa and blood drops were dripping down from his nose to his upper lip and then down on the ground.My Father asked,"Munniya Shu Thayu ?(munna what happened)". He said,"Ragini aye Mane naak ma dhumbo maryo(Ragini Punched Me In The Nose)". Just as he said this i smirked a little so did every member of the family.The punch had landed so hard that the nose bone was half broken we rushed him to the hospital where doctor very suspiciously examined him and gave him some painkillers And some other medications. He walked about with a crooked nose for about 3 months. And every now and then he would ask me whether his nose looked different I,for the sake of our relation would tell him that the differnce was negligieble but the change was adamant and anyone who saw it could tell. And when it completely healed he gave up his temper for the worshipping of lord shiva there are rarely any fights munna kaka has with ragini kaki. And As For Ragini Kaki's Punch All I Can Say Is That Robert De Nero Would be Proud.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2018 ⏰

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