Trial of Errors

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What happened on Earth was a disaster.  Of course I would be opposed, I've learned that I will always have some mortal enemy by either jealousy or fear or anger.  But the scale of desperation with which I was opposed was near impossible to predict.  Too many unknown variables.

Of course, I wouldn't say I knew everything about the companies involved.  That was my most fundamental flaw.  I didn't know the connections of these companies.  They were bound in the past, outdating me or my memories.  Ignorant fights are a  worthy challenge.  Too worthy.

The companies were both broke.  One was having financial trouble, the other problems with resource allocation.  This benefitted both companies, offering salvation from destruction.  Neither wanted me to intervene and used their god-like powers to stop me.  Thanks to my meddling they knew that they played with the fate of my world.  I should have suspected they would open a door into my world.  Simply predictable.

But these attacks did reek havoc on the cityscape, did harm innocents.  I couldn't control the resulting chaos, but I tried my hardest.  I didn't succeed in the slightest.  Simply put, I failed.  People were hurt.  There wasn't much I could do about it, but I still regret the havoc caused by my failure to contain the atrocities released with the sole purpose of ending me.

Yet, I didn't fail.  I did what I set out to do.  I escaped trouble long enough to stop the transition, although the very leader of Blue Smoke stood in my way.  I nearly violated my one creed to not kill, which the mere thought I regret.  He was a cruel individual, but even he doesn't deserve death.  I'm glad I didn't get the chance.

I successfully obtained my goal, and just like that I walked out.  Security surrounded the building.  If I truly sought to, I could have taken them down.  I dropped the Colt M1911 I held, my classic gun that I could manufacture out of thin air.  It was never the best gun, and I am sure that better weapons exist, but a Colt was reliable and useful.  A nice, general purpose weapon.  Besides a classic light blade with a sharp point and edge, a Colt is my go to weapon.

Of course, my job was done.  They arrested me, apparently on the crimes of rioting, causing a disturbance, destruction of private and public properties, and attempted murder.  Why not add walking on a human-exclusive sidewalk?

Although, it isn't their fault.  They were afraid of an unknown threat.  I was innocent of the crimes, for the most part.  I mean, destruction is destruction, but I didn't cause the havoc.  Ironically, this was the result of my accusers.  But I must admit, I did commit to the attempted murder.  I didn't quench the chaos by any means, but I did help protect them.  

Unfortunately, my goals were subconscious.  I believe it was an always my intention to get revenge, as such is the easiest of sins to surface.  It is one I have practiced before, not that it makes me better, or that doing it less would make me the same.  Revenge is still wrong, but I had never been in a situation where revenge was any worse than a joke, a prank.  Even beyond that, I haven't had the chance to practice revenge in almost half a century.

When I was placed back into isolation, they did it knowing that I would have no reason to escape again.  After all, it was so easy the first time.  I simply had a reason now, a reason they knew never to give me again.  However, it was in a different state.  There was a courtroom.  I could sense something off about the portrayed environment.  It was the same two-dimensional environment with lackluster shades of grey.  But the drawing style wasn't cartoony.  It was more realistic.  It was a real trial, in the real world.  That much was able to be deducted.

It was then that a figure in a suit appeared.  He was a cartoon lawyer being projected into my purgatory.  He was not a representative, but a confirmation.  This was the bear minimum representation they could give: a choice with no outcome.  

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