The Goth Girl chapter 3

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the goth girl- chapter 3

Jasons P.o.v

I have been watching her. but not in a stalkish way, just noticing things about her, like how she isn't like a normal goths who are dark and weird she is more like that sexy dark girl that you just can't put your finger on.

She leaves every night at 8:00 and returns around 11:00, which is strange. She always wears a fingerless glove on her left hand, not in a micheal jackson way, its different.

She got a new car, a shiny Black lamborghini that looks very fast.

I got home from school to see me mother and father all dressed up, my dad in a shirt and pants and my mother in a dress that in my opinion leaves off to much clevage for a women her age.

"hey I'm back"

"oh good becca next door invited us over dinner so go upstairs and put on some nice jeans and a shirt"

'oh crap' I thought, becca was ginas aunt, which meant I was going over to goth girls for dinner.

I went upstairs and put on my good clothes that were unconfortable and I hated them.

when I got downstairs my mother attacked me with a comb, so now I looked like a dork.

when my mother wasen't looking I ran my hand through my hair so I didn't look so bad.

When ye got there Becca anwsered the door and invitied us in.

"hello! common in!"

"thanks for having us over becca, we hope were not a bother" my mother said

"don't be silly its no hastle"

"well thanks again!" my mother repeated

"dinner should be ready in 10 minutes so if ye wanna had into the sitting room and relax I will call ye out when its ready"

"thanks becca" my dad said

we all sat including beacca, while her and my mother had a conversatation about teens, becca was asking for some advice because she was new to the whole thing with Gina.

I wasen't really paying attenting because I was so bored.

around 5 minutes went by when becca stood up,

"excuse me a few minutes, Gina through a fit before ye showed up when I told her to wear something nice and not black. I also told her to take out those silly black extentions"

'wow' i thought to myself 'i thought those things where real'

"poor Gina, it must be hard for her losing both her parents and then moving to a new place" my mother said in a sad tone

"ya, no wonder the poor girl wears black all the time" my ddad joined in with my mothers conversatation when we heard footsteps coming down the hall.

"ok guys dinner is ready and gina should be with us in 10 minutes"

we had lasagna and salad for dinner which was suprisingly nice I am usually not a perso for salad.

I just swallowed a piece of lasagna when gina walked in

"wow" was what I thought she looked amazing, her long blonde hair laying on her fragile shoulders, her strapless baby pink dress hugging her curves and her long tanned legs beautilfully sculpted.

"now Gina I told you it wounld't look that bad you look great !" becca said

"I hate pink" she said

"don't be silly, you uesed to love pink"

"ya USED"

while becca and gina continued to lightly arguie my dad whispered in my ear

"listen jason, I know you think she looks hot but a least close you mouth while you stare its rude"

I didn't even realise that I had my mouth open until he said that so I snapped my mouth shut and mumbled a sorry to my dad.

unlike every other girl that I have known Gina atually eats meat and not just salad.

We we were all finished our dinner we had dessert

"can I go now?" Gina asked becca

"just wait until we finish dessert and we you do go you can bring Jason here with you"

"WAIT!" we both said at the same time

"why not?"

"amm..... I dont think Jason whould fit in" Gina said

"dont be silly I,m sure you too will be great friends" Becca said

"fine" gina said not sounding happy

I few minutes later Gina got up

"I'm finished are you coming or not?" Gina asked me

"ya sure"

I followed her outside and out into her garage when her goergous car was parked

"heres the deal you do not touch my car, you can sit on the seat and use the seatbelt but thats it" she said saying the "it" a bit louder

"deal, so where are ye going anyway?"

" a race track"

she races!!! that explains the car !! oh shit I am in for some night I thought to myself

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