{ My Fair Lady }

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*In this beloved musical, pompous phonetics professor Henry Higgins (Rex Harrison) is so sure of his abilities that he takes it upon himself to transform a Cockney working-class girl into someone who can pass for a cultured member of high society. His subject turns out to be the lovely Eliza Doolittle (Julie Andrews), who agrees to speech lessons to improve her job prospects. Higgins and Eliza clash, then form an unlikely bond -- one that is threatened by an aristocratic suitor (Jeremy Brett).

My Fair Lady is an outstanding Musical, casting the wonderful Julie Andrews, as Eliza Doolittle. This musical is one of the most beautifully set stage and the costumes are just gorgeous! I love how the characters have actual feelings towards each other, positive and negative. The dancing is choreographed really well, and goes perfectly with the music. The best one that was choreographed well with the music is, "Get me to the Church on Time" in my opinion. If you are interested in this phenomenal musical, I left a video of my favorite song that kind of sums the musical on the top for you. It is called, "The Rain In Spain" and it is about Dr. Higgins teaching Eliza about speaking properly just when out of nowhere she gets it right, and they celebrate by singing it over and over." Some people find this musical sexist but personally I love it! Most likely to know what I'm talking about you have to listen to the song, "A Hyhm to Him" where Dr. Higgins repeats over and over again in the song, "Why can't a woman be more like a man!?" Some lady on the Tony's was speaking about it and you should check it out it is hilarious.

*My Fair Lady/Film synopsis - Source Credit

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