Unexpected Robbery

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     Now, Dougal was all alone. His father was busy at work while he played with his plastic soldiers. They used to be his best entertainment, but now they became nothing to him. And that was because he missed The Blue Glow. He wondered if weird spirits like The Blue Glow ever played with any alive child like him on a daily basis. Perhaps they do. Maybe he should ask The Blue Glow about it coming next visit. 

     Before Dougal could leave and go downstairs to have another conversation with his father, he heard shouting and glass breaking. His heart jumped at each sound from downstairs as he scrambled down to the noisy floor where all the workers were stationed in. He ceased any movement on the last stair when he saw what was in front of him. 

     The sight of the scene caught from his own eyes made throw up travel in his throat. The workers were hiding behind their cash registers when they saw what was happening. Dougal and his father were the only ones exposed. A man had a hold of his father, aiming a pistol at his poor dad's temple. Dougal heard the click of the gun chamber as the man prepared to shoot anytime he wanted. "Please! Don't shoot him! I beg of you!" Dougal screamed. His mind and his insides were going all crazy, perhaps even crazier than the man with the pistol in front of him. But surprisingly, his body was completely intact, almost as if he had already dealt with this situation a million times. Of course, his mind knew that it's not true, but his body seemed to prove otherwise. 

     Dougal has been so preoccupied with the man and his dad that he didn't even notice that there was another man standing close next to him. The second man was aiming his own pistol at the 12-year-old boy's temple. 

     "Where the money at? Huh?" the man next to his dad growled. 

     "I-I'm telling you guys t-the truth! My family and I only have $100 left in the bank! I swear my life on it!" Dougal's dad begged. 

     "Hell, we don't care if ya have one penny in ya pocket. Just give it all ta us!" the man next to his father exploded. 

     "An' if ya don'-" the second man next to Dougal hissed in warning, "I will shoot yo son." 

     "Go ahead." Dougal suddenly growled. "Go right ahead! You men are going to be caught by the police anyways! What does it matter if you take our money and shoot us? You both will rot in jail anyways when your time comes." Dougal was surprised with himself. The way his voice dripped when he spoke to the men. He frighteningly sounded like a completely different person. The men at the cash registers shaked their heads in disbelief when they heard what Dougal had been saying to the deadly men. They may think Dougal was crazy, but he didn't care anymore. All he cared about was wanting to get his death over with. He thought to himself, 'Why not? My grandmother and mother are in their comas in the hospital. My dad's about to get shot and so am I. What have I got to lose by useful and hopeful standards? Nothing. It should just end here now. I'm ready.' 

     As the men were about to shoot, a force suddenly pushed only the two men to the side, but before the force could completely push the men in time, one of them were able to merely shoot his father in the stomach. The men at the cash registers cried out in shock as they ducked behind their safe places again. Dougal cried out as he felt a new force dragging him away from the scene and up to the stairs. As he and the weird force turned the corner to the stairs, he just barely saw his father laid there unconscious, unmoving in anyway whatsoever. Even his stomach was still. That made Dougal lose his mind even more when he realized that now he was in his bedroom with his bedroom door closed. His whole room lighted up in a blue color. He realized that The Blue Glow had saved him. But he doesn't think of The Blue Glow as a superhero. He thought of it as his worst enemy ever. How dare The Blue Glow took him away from his dying father! His mind was so crazy that it actually went like this, 'I do understand why you did this for me Blue Glow, but I hate you for doing it. My dad is dying for Christ sake! Should I forgive you or should I not?' 

     While he was thinking this, the two men tried to break into Dougal's bedroom. If it wasn't for The Blue Glow's supernatural powers, they would've broken in already and have taken his life in a millisecond. But, they didn't. They couldn't get in. Then he heard a few different men. They may have been police officers because the two men put up a pretty good fight from outside his bedroom. Now, he really was thankful for The Blue Glow, but for some odd reason, he still hated it to death at this very moment of unexpected craziness. He heard two gunshots. Two men may have been killed down the first floor, including his father. 

     "Blue Glow! Please, let me see my Dad!" Dougal was close to crying at that point. He slammed his fists on the door. Finally, after a few bangs, the door swung open as if it was never stuck in place to begin with. He scrambled down the stairs, almost tripping a few times. 

     "Dad! Dad!" Dougal screamed as he made it into the cash register room. The sight looked horrible. Dougal gagged twice as he struggled to walk through the room so he could find his dad. His dad was nowhere to be found. Possibly could've been taken to the hospital. He decided to ask the police officers. One of them was shot in the arm while one of the two robbers were shot dead. The other must have gotten away. Maybe that's why there's only three police officers in the apartment. One injured and two completely intact. The injury didn't look twice as bad as his father's was. His dad's injury looked life-threatening. Dougal mustered the courage to go up to the two healthy police officers and asked them, "Is my dad alright?" 

     The officers looked at one another, and one of them finally answered, "His injury looked life-threatening, but he has a 70% chance of survival. If hospitals didn't exist son, your father wouldn't be as lucky as he is now." 

     "You can't see your father. It is imperative that you remain with a babysitter until we are completely sure that you are at least going to have one of your parents take care of you for the next 6 or 7 years." the other officer ordered. 

     "But sir...!" 

     "We have no time for buts, son. We have got to get back to business. If you want your father to be saved, then you've got to obey us first. Is that understood?" the 1st officer commands. 

     "Yes... sir." Dougal sighed. 

     "Alright, now stay in the safety of your home, son. We worry about curious kids like you. Curious kids tend to be the most vulnerable victims of all." The 1st officer explained. 

     "Here's another very good reason why you should remain in your apartment. If you go hanging around outside, the second man may find you and kill you immediately. You know how much we police officers don't want that to be happening around here. Are we clear?" the 2nd police officer added. 

     "Yes, sirs." Dougal obeyed. 

     "Good kid." The 1st officer whispered as he led his partner out of the building.  

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