Chapter 1

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Ian's POV

I was trying to do the stupid science lab. I don't like science. Despise it, in fact. I would 100% rather be reading a book than writing a lab report, but with a dad such as mine, failure is NOT an option. My dad is Tony Stark, genius inventor turned superhero. I've got a lot to live up to. My dad expects a lot. He loves me, but he has... unique ways of displaying affection. His way of saying 'I love you' is by telling me that I 'lives up to expectations sometimes'. But, my dad loves me. I knows that.

Instead of trying to figure out how many atoms are in a water molecule, I decided to admire Peter Parker. Peter is Midtown High's resident genius, and my crush of the last 3 years. Yes I'm gay, only my best friend MJ knows, she's also the only one who knows about my crush on Peter. God, I'm obsessed with everything about that boy. His dimples, his nerdy personality, his chiseled jaw, his curly hair that is styled in a perfect quiff, even his heart-melting brown eyes were enough to send me over the moon. But, I've never got the courage to have a real conversation with him. MJ knows him from her decathlon team. She even introduced us once. But I was so awkward, the conversation didn't go well.

MJ: Peter this is my bestie, Ian.
Peter: Oh hi! Nice to meet you. I think we have science together right?
Ian: Uh-Uh y-y-y-yeah w-w-we s-sit near e-e-each oth-th-er I-I th-think
Peter: Yeah! You sit across the isle! You always have your nose in a book *adorable chuckle*
Ian: *swoons silently* y-yeah
MJ: *facepalms*
Peter: Well, I gotta meet Ned so we can walk home. But it was nice talking to you! See you tomorrow?
Ian: *nods vigorously*

It doesn't even matter because there's no way a heartthrob like Peter would ever go for a loser like me anyway. I mentally sigh, and carry on with the lab. I can't think straight. What the fuck is Nitrogen Chloride? I glance at Peter across the isle. He's laughing at an anecdote Ned is reciting. Godammit. Why does he have to be so adorable? MJ snaps her fingers in my face.

"If you're done staring at your future husband, we have important learning to do. And we both know we can't have you failing." She pokes my nose causing a small giggle to escape my lips. But even she can't tame my wild thoughts. Especially not when Peter Parker is present. Something about that boy just makes him, different. More interesting. Whilst MJ returns to her work, I continue to watch as Peter crinkles his perfect nose. It's barely fair how one man can be relentlessly hot and undoubtedly adorable at the same time. But, Peter achieved it. And he achieved one thing that he didn't even know about...

He captured the heart of a young boy, and the boy fell for him, hard.


I arrived home to the usual empty mansion. I live in a house that is much too big for my family of three. And it's usually just me anyway. My dad works a lot and my mom is forced to tag along as his assistant. Though, they always make some time for me. Pepper is a lovely mom. She always commends me on my efforts and keeps Tony in line when he starts to be a bit overzealous. All in all, I love my family.

Surprisingly, when I get home, my parents are both there. Though, I wish they weren't. I see my mom making her famous tacos, wearing an apron with the words 'kiss the chef' printed clearly across the front. Apparently, Tony notices too. Because he spins her around and grasps her hips saying, "Don't mind if I do." Mom giggles as Dad presses a gentle kiss to her lips. I'm not disgusted, I'm actually jealous. I've always wanted a relationship as perfect as my parent's. I'm used to seeing them act all lovey-dovey, it just makes me sad that I'll probably never experience a connection that deep and intimate...

I set my bag down on the table gently. It doesn't make a loud noise but it's enough to alert my parents of my presence. They look startled and embarrassed when they pull away, and I roll my eyes playfully.

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