Chapter 2

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Ian's POV

I sit at lunch, enacting my usual routine of stealing glances at Peter and eating my sandwich. MJ sits across from me and watches as this probably sad chain of events plays out. Peter sits a table away from us eating the contaminated school pizza. He's laughing along with Ned and a couple of the other decathlon kids. His laugh is adorable. It's loud and out there, not quite what you would expect from a quiet nerd but it suited him all the same. I was so infatuated with Peter that I didn't notice MJ trying to speak to me.

"Ian. IAN!!" I look up at her, slightly startled. MJ is very in your face. She demands to be heard when she has an opinion, but other than that, she spends a lot of time in the shadows. She's pretty, though. Almost every guy in our grade have tried and failed to ask her out. She has curly brown hair that perfectly compliments her dark skin tone. Her black eyes were piercing, like they could shoot daggers at you if she tried hard enough. If I wasn't a flaming homosexual, I might actually be attracted to her. But, I am, and that's why our friendship works. She doesn't have to worry about me thinking pervy thoughts about her because she's not my type. We have a casual friendship, and it works. When I look up to see what MJ wants, she's mid eye roll.

"Ok watching you stare longingly at Parker is so depressing." She sighed. "Come on." MJ got up and grabbed my wrist. She began to drag me towards Peter's table. I pleaded with her and tried to break free but she was unnaturally strong, and I'm not exactly buff. When we get to the table, I'm frozen where I stand. Peter Parker, is two feet away. God, he's even more gorgeous up close. His brown eyes the shade of melted chocolate and so deep you could get lost in them.

"Hi." MJ says, dropping my wrist. I quickly snatch it back and look at the ground. My cheeks heat up as I feel a pair of familiar brown eyes scanning me.

"Cool if we sit here?" MJ asks. I look up just in time to see Peter nodding his head slowly. Not surprising. There's no way in hell anyone would disagree with MJ. She's kind of demanding. With Peter's confirmation, MJ guides me to the nearest empty seat. Right. Next. To. Peter. My heartbeat increases tenfold. As I sit down, my shoulder accidentally brushes against Peter's.

"Sorry" I mumble, barely audible over the loud chatter of the cafeteria. Luckily, Peter didn't seem to notice. MJ plops into the seat next to me. I stared intently at the ground while she chatted it up with her decathlon mates. Then suddenly I felt a tap on my shoulder. I look up to meet the gaze of two familiar brown eyes.

"Hey, I really like your shirt." Peter says. My heart stopped as soon as he opened his mouth. I look down and remember that I wore my Han Solo T-shirt. I knew Peter was a Star Wars fan, but I never thought I'd be talking to him at all.

"Uh-uh th-thanks. Han is m-my f-favorite character." I said, in a feeble attempt to start a conversation. But, much to my surprise, Peter's eyes lit up slightly and his mouth split into a wide grin.

"Mine too! Although, I'll always have a soft spot for C-3PO. His lines are some of the best." I stared back slightly shocked that I had even managed to start a conversation without MJ.

"I-I h-hope we're in agreement tha-that Jar-Jar Binks is t-terrible or-or I d-don't think th-this conversation can g-go any further." I joke, hoping he doesn't take it the wrong way. Magically, an adorable giggle escapes his lips. I, Ian Stark, just made Peter Parker, the guy of my dreams, laugh. My heart can't take it. I notice how his eyes crinkle at the corners when he laughs, adorable. Just like the rest of him.

"Oh definitely. George Lucas made a mistake with that one." He chuckles, causing my heart to flutter as I grin like an idiot. "But do you think Disney will ever live up to the hype? I mean George Lucas left some pretty big shoes to fill." I nod in agreement.

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