Entry 2

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    After waiting a few more minutes, I decided to leave the bathroom. I still don't get why everyone uses MY bathroom when there are five others. I finally opened the door to a bunch of kids trying to push their way through the entry way.

    I pushed through them all and continued to get ready for the mornings.

   Okay, well I never really explained what our house is like. It's nothing...erm.... moving on! It's a three story mansion, with all ur typical stuff, seven bedrooms, five bathrooms, two laundry rooms, down stairs living room, kitchen & dinning room downstairs, game room on the second floor, and my favorite part; a spiral staircase.

    I sat on the railing of the staircase and slid down. Yes, I have fallen off backwards.

    I could hear my mother yelling at me from the first floor, "You're going to hurt yourself!"

    When I reached the end I headed into the kitchen.

   "There you are." My father mumbled as he read through the newspaper. He didn't even bother to look up, let alone say good morning.

    My mom placed her hands on her hips and shamefully looked at me. "What have I told you about sliding down the stairs like that?!"

   I could of been a smartass, but I decided not to pull that kind of stuff today.

  "Sorry mom. It's kind of a habit and besides, who wants to walk down three flights of stairs?!" I sat down at the table.

   My mom placed a bowl and two plates in front of me. The bowl had my favorite cereal, Fruit loops, one of the plates had avocado toast, and the other had a fried egg. (Scramble eggs are just gross. >:P)

   Any who... so I ate... like any other human being would.

   "So Peta how's your boyfriend?" My mom grinned at me from across the table.

    I bit my lip and sarcastically smiled, "Are

you making fun of me?"

   "Making fun of you? Phff, please. It's a darn serious question." Because my mom is an actor you can never tell if she's lieing to your face or not.

   "No Mother. I do not have a boyfriend." We played the same game almost every week.

   "What about that Michael boy? Hm?" I remember seeing her face light up with joy, she knew she struck something.

    I felt my face turning red, " What? What are you talking about?" I always try to laugh stuff off when I'm embarrassed.

   Her smile grew, "Oh you know, your "friend" Michael. The nice boy that walks with you to the bus stop."

   "Look out below!" Was screamed from the top of the staircase.

   My mom shot me a warning look. The kids have been trying to slide down the stairs like I have lately, Kyle has fallin fron the second story already. Luckly I was walking under when he crashed down on top of me. He, unharmed. Me, broken arm.

    "Oh gosh." I got up and watched as most of the kids slid down the railing. They where all following none other than Finn and Carter.

    They where all laughing and giggling intill the end when mom and dad stood at the end waiting for them. And that's how eight kids got grounded.

    Devon and Jake walked down the stairs. Devon is a goodie two shoes, but a great kid and Jake was just a jerk. So, as you can imagine, they got along pretty well.

   After all eight kids got grounded from something individually, everyone finely sat down and ate together. I sat in between Devon and Willow. Devon kept saying random facts about Egyptian culture, while Willow hummed Austin Mahone's song Mmm yeah.

    Across from me was Hailey, who was rehearsing her final cheer song, and the oldest set of twins, Kylee and Greg. They where talking about new teams and colors, soccer stuff I guess.

    Breakfast was going pretty well, intill the doorbell rang.

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