Entry 4

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   I stared at the envelope for a while, I was kinda scared.

   That old man was awfully suspicious, "Peta I don't have time to explain it in person." Those words still rang through my ears.

   Finally, I got the courage to open it. It was a hand written note- slightly faded, but readable.


   I know it must be terrifying getting a random note from a person you don't know, but trust me- you'll want to hear this.

   I've been doing research on an house object lately and finds out something pretty amazing, historical.

   Mirrors are not what they seem, they show what we want to see. But beneath their glass, they hide a secret. The greatest secret ever to be discovered.

    With all my experiments and tests I have figured out that there is a world that hides beneath our own! It's very exciting!

   Now I know your thinking, 'Why am I being told this?'  Well, thats simple. I need you to do some tests for me, see if you can get into this new world.

     I would like you to take a bag, journal, and pen; keep track of everything that happens from here on out. It's important that you forget no details.

    You will meet new people.  You might know them in this world, but they won't know you in the other.

    Now it is VERY critical that you don't fall in love with anyone in the hidden world. If you do, you might decide to stay and that can't happen.

    No staying in that world, no bringing anyone back to this world.  This is a week long test, keep track of the days.

    Know this Peta, when you enter the other world- the other you comes into this world. She's not like you, she's the opposite of you and that can mess up your reputation.  But, don't worry I will be watching her every move.

    I hope you accept my test. A package will be arriving in the mail for you in 3...2...1... (The door bell rang)

   Remember take a pen and journal.  Further instructions will come in the package box."


     I threw the note on my pillow and ran down stairs to get my package.

    "Peta, its for you." Devon called from the bottom.

    It was a thin long box.

    "What is it?" Jake questioned.

    I shrugged and dragged it up stairs with me. When I finally reached the top-panting and sweating, I opened it to find that it was a long mirror. (It was an inch taller than me.)

    I pulled out an envelope and opened it, the first letter was correct- these were the further instructions.


   You got my instructions, which is good. Now I need you to gather your bag, journal, and pen before you go any further.

    I stopped reading and did what it said. I found my black over the shoulder bag- put it on. Finding a journal was easy, but finding a pen was difficult.  When I finally did find one (It took me a half an hour to find my half full black one -_-) I continued to read the note.

    I really hope you have all your supplies, if not its not going to be good.

   Now set the mirror up to where the sun is shining on it a bit.

   (I did what the note told me. Why I was listening to a note from a person I never met? I really don't know come to think of it now, I really don't know.)

   Now listen carefully, stand in front of the mirror and say 'Resemblance switch.'

    (I said it.)

   Now put this note into your bag and walk though the mirror.

   I put the note away and looked up into the mirror to now see that I had no resemblance.

   I gulped and stepped up closer to it. I tryed putting my hand against it, to find it just went straight through.

   I pulled it out in a panic and made sure I didn't just lose my hand. (I still had it and I still have it today.)

   It had almost felt liquidity. I once again put my hand through it and pulled it out.

   I took a deep breath, closed my eyes and walked through.


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