Chapter 4

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I ran, unstopping even as branches lashed at my eyes and roots grabbed my ankles. I could hear the barks of wolves and screeches of falcons as the Hunters were sent after me. Yeah, and they use freaking silver! Big No-no for vampires!

Suddenly, a silver arrow shot from behind me and impaled me in my left shoulder. I screeched in pain as I crumpled to the ground. A wolf burst from the bushes and snarled at me. I bare my fangs right back at it and hiss threateningly. I hope he gets the message, it would be a pity to kill him.

The hunters chase and catch up to the wolf. They draw their bows and shoot their silver arrows--why do they have to be silver? I hate silver...--at me. One of them hits their mark by my shoulder blade and I stumble and collapse onto the ground. I cough into my hand. When I pull my hand away, it's red. The wolf pack surrounds me and growls threateningly, daring me to stand and fight. I hissed at them through my teeth and stood up--painfully.

Artemis and the Hunters caught up. All of them had their bows out and their arrows pointed at me. "What a pleasure to see you and your Hunters, Lady Artemis." I said sarcastically. "Except for that part that you're supposed to kill me, right? Because I'm totally fine with that." Artemis stepped forward and pointed the arrow at my heart.

"Shut up, boy. You aren't even Percy Jackson! You're a monster." Artemis glared at me. I yawned. "Come on, tell me something I don't know! That's what everybody's been saying." I challenged her with a glare. The wolves pressed forward and growled at me. The largest one almost drooled on my toes... "--and call your puppies off." I growled.

The wolves stepped threateningly forward. I hissed at them before kicking one of them away. "I need breathing room!" I explained. Then, the wolves went free-for-all. They all leapt at me with their jaws wide open and their teeth bared at me. I ducked under one wolf and pulled the arrows in my back free. I used the two arrows as daggers and slashed at the wolves.

The arrows broke, eventually, and I flipped out my dagger. I took down one wolf and made a break for it. Arrows whistles past my head as I dashed for the city, where I would be safe with my mother. Suddenly, one arrow hit my leg and I stumble. I slow down in my run because of the injury. Before the Hunters could catch up, I pulled down a tree branch from a tree and lit it on fire. The fire spread so that it separated the Hunters and me.

The wolves growled angrily as they barked and howled at the wall of fire and smoke. I laughed as I ran/limped away. Suddenly, there was a screech above me. I looked up and then, all I saw was red.

Then darkness.

---------------Line Break. Have a cookie! (: :)

As I awoke, I felt burning in my wrists, arms, and chest. I opened my eyes. I was in...the gods' throne room! I freaked out and stood up faster than I should have and then groaned and knelt down. I looked down at my shackled hands that bound my hands and arms tightly to my body. The metal that bound me was the worst thing in the world.


I struggled against the chains and hissed as the metal stung my wrists. "I would suggest you stop struggling. But of course, I wouldn't care about your pain. It's nothing compared to the pain I feel for the loss of my son. Why did you kill my son?" Zeus asked me. I snorted. "You're cheesier than Wisconsin, Zeus. Now, I'll tell you again: I didn't know that was your son and I don't care!" I hissed.

Zeus's eyes flashed angrily, but he didn't say anything. "I don't know how your kind dies, but I know that silver can injure you. If we can't get you to answer willingly, we'll torture the answer out of you." Artemis and her Hunters stepped in. Zeus nodded to Artemis, who in turn gave the command to her Hunters to attack. A small silver knife came flying at me and sank into my thigh. I groaned and used my tied hands to grab the knife--hissing when it stung my palms--and pull it out. Another knife impaled itself into my stomach and I gasped at the pain that shot through my body.

My eyes flickered from red to black and back again. I keeled over and coughed up blood. I pulled the knife out very quickly to minimize the pain it would cause me. When a heard another knife flying at me, I rolled out of the way and got up on my feet. I met the eyes of Thalia, and hissed at all of the Hunters. "You can do whatever you want. I. Won't. Say. Anything. I didn't know that was--" I was cut off as multiple knives flew at my legs, gut, and arms. As each of them hit their marks, I could feel and see darkness sliding over my eyes before I hit the ground.


I groaned as I awoke to flashing pain. I lifted my eyelids with difficulty, like lifting weights, and looked around. I was sitting in the throne room still. It seems I've moved...closer to Hestia's flame. I wiggled against my chains before getting one hand loose enough to get out. I reached my hand towards the warm fire. It touched my skin and gave me the strength to break free. (AN: Ariana Grande moment) Fire usually destroys my kind, but because I have power over fire, it heals me.

I kicked the chains off of me and stepped out of the mess. I looked around. Nothing changed. It was all the same. Except I was alone. Ha, stupid gods... Suddenly, a god or goddess flashed in. I crouched into a fighting stance and looked around for my missing dagger. "Relax, Perseus. It's me." A soft voice whispered. It was Hestia.

"What do you want." I said shortly. "I sensed someone using my fire to heal themselves so I rushed over to see if it was you. I was right." She smiled. "Well, that's nice and all, but I need to lea-" I was cut off by a lot of flashes. The gods had arrived and they brought company. Zeus stepped forward. "Hestia, away from the boy."

Hestia obeyed and disappeared. I faced Zeus with defiance in my eyes. "Finally come to tie me down again?" I sneered as I brushed dust off my pants. "Of course not! You made my son suffer. In return, you will get nothing less than what you gave him." As he spoke, the demigods from Camp Half Blood and Camp Jupiter stepped out. "You were betrayed by the one you loved...but you still love your friends, do you not? Well, they believe you're a monster that killed my son selfishly. You'll just have to sit through your torture. And they'll be the ones to torture you."







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