bitchin' loser's club

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10:26 A.M.

the loser's club bitches

richie hoezier: WADDUP FUCKERS

stanley the birdy: stop yelling

richie hoezier: literally no sound came from that text message stanley are u high

stanley the birdy: no you're just annoying

edwardo: he's got a point

richie hoezier: eddie, my love, how dare you betray me like this

richie hoezier: i thought you loved me

edwardo: well bitch guess what

edwardo: ....

edwardo: yeah i do sorry i have no comeback

stanley the birdy: i'm disappointed in you

edwardo: i Tried okay

richie hoezier: i still hate your display name eds its Gross

edwardo: exactly why its gonna stay

bevvvv: that's gay

bennyBOO: they've been gay for years bev wdym


bennyHoHo: fixed it

bevvvv: why are you a hostess snack

bennyHoHo: maybe i wanna be one of those

bennyHoHo: don't crush my only dream

bevvvv: damn aight soRry

edwardo: it's noVEMBER 1ST

edwardo: what about THANKSGIVING

bevvvv: thanksgiving is a myth

edwardo: jkdsfhsdjk

richie hoezier: where are mike and bill

mike n ike: i'm trying to learn unlike some of you

richie hoezier: what shade

edwardo: i have a studyhall right now you can't bash me

bevvvv: so do i

bennyHoHo: i'm not even at school lol

edwardo: where tf are you

bennyHoHo: dentist appointment

stanley the birdy: did u have a cavity

bennyHoHo: i'm not richie

edwardo: HA

stanley the birdy: lololool you got me there

richie hoezier: excuse the whole fuck out of you

richie hoezier: i've never had a cavity

edwardo: ur not a good liar richie

richie hoezier: tf u meaN???

richie hoezier: im not lying

edwardo: i was the one who told you your tooth was hurting bc of a cavity dont even try

richie hoezier: im being exposed

bennyHoHo: honestly we all know bc you texted this gc while you were high on laughing gas

richie hoezier: i did????

mike n ike: you did

bevvvv: you were quoting vines and then started crying bc stan reminded you that vine died

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