part iii

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the party chat

7:07 pm

madmax: guys... i have bad news

lucasa: what

madmax: my aunt is gonna be taking care of me from now on... since things got really bad with tHe Devil... which means i have to move again

lucasa: :(

will the wise: where? :(

madmax: maine

dustinshat: whAT THE SHIT

will the wise: wait WHAT

micycle: where in maine

madmax: the town over from derry. they dont have a good school, so im gonna go to the same school as you will

will the wise: THE HECK

lucasa: :(

micycle: thats ironic as hell

will the wise: whoaaaa

dustinshat: i smell a conspiracy

private chat between madmax and lucasa

7:10 pm

lucasa: im gonna miss you so bad

lucasa: this is bullshit

lucasa: first will, now you?

madmax: im sorry luc. i promise ill call you every night and we'll stay in touch

madmax: my aunt said she'll try to let me visit as often as i can

madmax: this isn't permanent, ill be back

lucasa: promise?

madmax: i promise

richie leave the chat

8:09 pm

richie hozier changed their name to richie bitchie

madmax: yo maine people

madmax: im moving to maine temporarily and ill be going to derry hs

richie bitchie: HELL YEAH DIGDUG BUDDY

edwardo: ph God

two weeks later

private chat between richie bitchie and edwardo

edwardo: still hanging out today before the movie night?

richie bitchie: of course eds

edwardo: dont call me that

richie leave the chat

2:56 am

richie bitchie: do trees have feelings

dustinshat: i'd like to think so

richie bitchie: but can trees cry and get adorably jealous like eddie spaghetti

edwardo: i do not get jealous

richie bitchie: wow eds way to lie to our new friends

edwardo: shut the fuck up dick

richie bitchie: i believe the correct way to spell my name is dicc

edwardo: its too late for this

will the wise: would y'all shut the heck up

stanley the birdy: would you guys shUT THE FUVK UPO

stanley the birdy: awe a bonding moment will

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