Waking Up

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Mei opened her eyes slowly, blinking a few times. It was cold in her room, she thought. It wasn't usually this cold. Her hand hit the stone cold floor as she realized she wasn't in her nice comfortable bed. She shot up, ready for a fight, but she only saw her two best friends lying unconscious on the grey concrete.

"Raine? Diana?" She asked. They were dressed peculiarly, in dresses with poofed up skirts. Diana had black cat ears on top of her slightly curly red hair. Raine's dark blue outfit sported strawberry cake and cream coloured rabbits. Mei reflected that she might be wearing something different as well and as such, looked to find herself sporting a purple dress, similar to those of the companions, but with black lace over much of the surface. She moved to wake her friends, lightly shaking them awake.

"Mei? Where are we?" Raine was quick to realize their situation. She'd always been a light sleeper. She pushed her glasses up her nose as she looked around nervously.

"I don't know! One minute I was asleep, then poof! Right here in this outfit!" Mei shouted, "I swear if this is some joke!"

Diana bolted awake, "Guys? What's going on?" She looked intensely at her pink dress, "I'm pretty sure I don't own a dress like this... and I have a lot of dresses."

"Again, I don't know," Mei declared.

Raine got up, her black Mary Janes clicking on the floor, "there must be a door around here somewhere in this dungeon."

"How do you know?" Mei asked.

"How else could they put us in here?"

"Good point."

Diana took off her shoes and held them in her hands. Upon noticing her companions' looks she remarked, "for protection! I'm gonna sock whoever put us in here."

"Those are shoes, not socks," Mei said.

"Oh you know what I mean!" Diana shouted back.

Raine could hear footsteps outside, "Shh! Someone's coming!"

All three girls fell silent and listened to the erie sound of multiple people walking down a stone hallway. A crack opened in the wall and all three girls backed away from it as they were blinded by the bright light on the other side. They all shielded their eyes, except Diana who was chucking her shoes as soon as she saw the first shadow appear in the doorway.

The figure caught both shoes and sighed, "are you sure this isn't more trouble than it's worth?"

"If you're interested in becoming King, then yes. It's necessary. But I definitely wouldn't mind you dropping out of the running as long as that insufferable Alexiendra doesn't get the throne," the next shadow came into view. His hair, which was the only thing discernable about him at the moment, was a bright red colour.

"Who are you and what do you want?" Diana yelled.

"Don't be afraid. We won't hurt you," came another voice, still behind the door.

"Speak for yourself," the second voice said, "if I gotta put up with one of these, I'm at least going to have a decent meal."

"S-stay away from us you creeps! You better let us go or the police are going to put you away for good!" Raine proclaimed nervously.

"Hold on! Meal? What do you guys think you are? Vampires or something?" Diana yelled again, just about ready to attack.

The second guy made an annoyed noise, "Ding ding. There's a smart person here."

"Actually, that's Raine. She's the smart one," Mei said.

"Not helping," Diana hissed through her teeth.

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