Koji Koda

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"Ko-da~!" You chimed as you waved to your friend as he looked behind him nervously as he faintly smiled at you while he waited for you to catch up to him,"Why didn't you wait for me to walk with you?"

Koji brought brought out his phone and speedily typed while he speedily typed away.

You heard a ding from your own phone while you continued walking as you checked your own phone.

"Because you took too long,"

You pouted as Koji smiled as sort of a silent laugh.

Your current relationship with Koji Koda were as childhood friends. Sometimes his mom would even invite you to dinner or to stay over while you guys hung out a lot.

He was mute so you always tried learning sign language or just texting him if you couldn't quite get the hang out sign language yet.

Classs has begun and it was a regular day except that Aizawa was sleeping on the job.


You cautiously checked your phone in case Aizawa suddenly woke up as you happily read the message while it brought you a smile.

"Wanna go to the zoo after class?"

You smiled at you put your phone away and awaited for Aizawa to wake up as you were about to throw your eraser at him.

"I'm down. Let's go!"

The use of quirks were prohibited, but you and Koji knew a shortcut to the city zoo and since you had an animal quirk you could turn into animals and you would always let Koji ride on your back since it looked cool to ride on a felines lion.

Koji hopped off as you transformed back while you and Koji sighed.

It. Was. Packed.

Your phone suddenly buzzed as you checked it while Koji nervously and anxiously trembled.

"Rain check?"

You widened your eyes as you suddenly said,"No!! I was looking forwarded to this all day!! And plus they have a new lion exhibit that I've been dying to see!!"

Koji seemed excited by the lion case, but was still reluctant to go since the crowd was still large.

All in all he still couldn't say no to you.

Koji modded his head as you jumped up in excitement.




"This...maybe was..."You said internally screaming,"..A bad idea,"

Koji and you were being smothered by the crowd as well Koji couldn't bring his arms out to get his phone so he used sign language in hopes of that you would understand.

"You think?"

It was simple enough for you to understand so you messaged back.


The crowd wasn't for the lion exhibit since people don't like big ol' cats, but small little birds called penguins.

Suddenly the crowd got faster as you were being pushed and shoved harder as you were backed up to the fence till your felt strong broad arms embrace you as you blushed hard. You looked up to see your childhood friend looming over you as he was anxiously protecting from the rushing crowd.

Your face was flushed and red while you were being pushed up against Koji's broad chest as you tried to calm your heart while you were internally screaming.

Koji was able to pull you out of the crown and into the little picnic area where you could buy food.

You sighed as your face was a little flushed as Koji had texted you again.

"Are you okay?"

You smiled as you blushed a littler harder while you said,"I'm fine Koji. Let's get something to eat before we do anything,"

Koji smiled nervously as he nodded while Koji and you don't really eat meat that much so you and him bought some fries and chips.

You can't spell you chips without hips...

You groaned as you knew you put on weight fast, but you were too busy eating that you didn't care.

After eating you slowly pumped yourself up for what you were about to do.

C'mon I can do this...I've been practicing for a month...

Koji and you had made it to the lion exhibit and instantly all the lions walked up to the glass as they gave Koji their attention while you laughed to yourself.

While Koji was distracted by the lions you got his attention,"Ko-ji~"

Koji smiled at you while you said,"I want to tell you something since I learned some more sign language!"

Koji nodded as he smiled while he patiently listened.




You smiled while your cheeks were very red and flushed as Koji stood still for a moment as his jaw hung open while the silence or the lack on any sort of reaction was making you anxious.

You started to get this feeling of remorse as you stuttered,"I-I mean...I-It's okay if you don't feel the same way-"

Koji suddenly brought you into an overwhelming hug as you started to get nervous and confused yet somewhat happy.

"Is...that a yes...?" You sighed as you smiled while Koji nervously and anxiously pulled away from you and did the same movements.

" I love you too "

You smiled as your face blushed while you jumped into Koji's arms while he embraced you.

You suddenly have him a kiss and Koji was not prepared for it.


And that's the end of this oneshot thanks for requesting! Hope you enjoyed! Ciao!

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