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Penelope Wennefred was raised like all the other young witches, went to Ilvermony like everyone else; however, she ended up different. When she was sorted into Pukwudgie people knew she was destined to do something great to humanity. She finished her schooling, passing, but not with flying colors, and opened a flower shop in New York. The shop was a normal floral shop to the no-majs around her, but with a pull of a book she has a whole new store for potions and herbs alike for her fellow wizards and witches.

It wasn't long till she met, who she thought was the man of her dreams, Richard Lloyed. He appeared sweet to someone who hasn't fully met him, and that's what reeled her in. There were red flags all over the place, him showing up to her shop almost 4 times a day, 5 or 6 days a week. He originally came for some herbs she was growing, and at the time Penelope thought nothing of it, but it morphed more into him wasting her time.

They developed a fast relationship and moved in together, around this time is when he got more strict. When she had figured out he was a boss for a high ranked mob around New York, she tried to leave; of course, Richard would never allow this. He did things to her that she tried to resist, she was only allowed at her shop for a couple of hours a day, and now she has a son.

She never has regretted her son, not even for a second. What she regrets, is her inability to get him out of this unsafe situation. Over the years, Richard hasn't become any better, he's become worse. Everyday before he comes home its in Penelope's best interest to hide her son before he can see what Richard would do to her. 

For years she has been looking for an opportunity to escape. She would always ask discreet questions about his plans for the day. She would ask every other day, till finally the day came where he was going on an overnight trip to Philadelphia. When he left, she frantically packed two small, enchanted,  bags for her son and herself. This was the only time to escape for a better life.

That's where we are now.

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