The Bare Necessities [Gay]

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The Bare Necessities

"Dad are we nearly there yet?"

Lucas glances in the back mirror to his 7-year-old son, on the verge of passing out with exhaustion. He'd done well not complaining most of the ride and it's no wonder the kid's about to fall asleep considering the early morning time they'd set off at. Lucas himself is functioning on the 3rd cup of coffee.

"Not long now bud," replies Lucas.
Bobby nods his head, stretching that little body in his booster seat restlessly. Lucas knows the feeling. Hours in the metal can and he's feeling just as agitated, which is not helped by the evergreen forests of Colorado they're zipping past.

He'd reserved the cabin months and months ago for Christmas but then his bítch of an ex with her mammoth sized grudge against him had decided to take Bobby to fúcking California meaning he was left scrambling to rearrange the reservations. Even taking Bobby this morning he was meet with pure frost and half expected an argument. Thankfully she reigned that in.

Lucas really shouldn't be surprised. In all fairness he gets why she's crazy angry at him. He really does but it's been 7 years for God's sake. 7 fúcking years and she's still not got over it. They don't have to be best friends or anything but a bit of amicability would be nice. Again, he gets why she's mad. After all, it only took once to change their lives. One drunken night had changed the trajectory of his and her life forever. Of course, that wasn't exactly the part she holds against him, since well, it takes two. But it's more that, a few months after, he couldn't take it and announced his homoséxuality. So he gets that her father hates his guts and that she was humiliated by him but that was all 7 years ago. Since then he's done everything he can to prove himself a good father. He was there for the birth (despite never wanting to see a vágina ever again, nevermind seeing it torn apart by a baby), he uprooted himself to be nearer his kid and he even fought for rights to see his kid. Not that he ever sees Bobby as anything but a gift, it's just that there's not much more he can do to prove himself to her.

His only hope is that someday she's realise that this was for the best. Neither of them would ever be happy if he'd stayed in the closet.

As the winding road starts to curve more gently, peaking out of the tall woods is a mammoth sized ranch house. The glossy wooden finished mansion is crafted beautifully with strong pillars and gleaming glass reflecting the gorgeous surroundings. Behind him Lucas hears Bobby gasp in surprise, voicing his own thoughts.

Lucas parks the car in one of the free bays available, next to a pick-up truck that someone's obviously got their money's worth for. There's only one other car around and that has Lucas in a moment of worry where he's wondering if guests are meant to park somewhere else. But then he realises that although it's school vacation this isn't exactly going to be their peak season.

Although he wants to be bursting with energy, Lucas can see his son is exhausted from the trip. Just as he is. Hoisting the boy out of his booster seat, Lucas moves them to the house deciding to sign in first before getting their luggage, not that there is much of it. Sure, Lucas is the kind of guy to like his shirts pressed and ties complimenting them. But that's work Lucas and not holiday Lucas. Holiday Lucas is a little bit of a hobo, well, as much of a hobo a metroséxual man can be. Then there's Bobby's stuff which apart from the coats and Power-Rangers outfit (that he would not leave without) is not exactly a lot.

The woman manning the front desk barely just over the height of it. She's a brunette with the springiest, bush of curls he's ever seen on a Caucasian woman. She also has on a pair of round glasses covering much of her oval face, which is pointed into a book until Lucas and Bobby arrive.

"Oh! You're here! Welcome, welcome!" she announces hoping down from the spinning chair and getting out a log book.
"Yes, hi. You must be Mrs.Robinson."
"Mrs. Robinson!" snorts the woman, "call me Julie. You're our only guest for the next week so we should get plenty acquainted anyway."
"Pleased to meet you, Julie," Lucas flashes her his ole' American boy grin causing her to blush slightly, "I'm Lucas and his here is Bobby."
She hands him the keys before calling out dinner at 7.

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