Chapter Two.

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Lorelai walked into her house, slammed the door and sighed. She knew the tuition was going to be expensive, but she did not realise how much she would have to put up front for the schooling. She had called and in her ramble down the phone, almost gave up their places, before confirming they should not worry and everything would be okay and dealt with prior to her girls attending their first day.

It was only later, when her and Sookie sat on the front porch and Sookie had ultimately confirmed she only had one option. She had to do what had always been unthinkable to her, she would have to speak to her parents, and ask them for the money. Albeit with the full intent to repay it in the future, but this was the last thing in the world she wanted to do. She had established years of independence from her family wealth but she knew for the benefit of her children; she would have to eat humble pie this once and do the one thing she really did not want to do. She was brought away from her thoughts when Rory walked out on to the porch to present herself in her new school skirt. Ellie followed shaking her head at her sisters excitement. Then pleaded with her mum to make her hem shorter than that of Rory's, Lorelai knowing Ellie was the more riskier of the two smiled and agreed. She loved both of her children equally and had bonded with them both in their own way. She loved Rory's keenness and innocence whilst still being able to hold an excellent sense of humour. She also adored Ellie's wit, that she knew she had gotten from her, and her boldness and protectiveness that she held for both her sister and her mom. Rory had the grace and Ellie held the charm and together they could do anything in their mother's eyes.

The next day, Lorelai went to her parents. They were impressed that their grandchildren had been accepted to a school with such a fine reputation. They readily agreed to pay the tuition for their grandchildren, providing Emily got them all for Friday evening dinners and weekly schooling updates. Lorelai only had one more request, that for the sake of her pride, that her daughters did not know they were to be paying the schooling costs.


"Okay, there's academic-minded and then there's Amish." Lane smirked at Ellie who frowned in response, as Rory continued talking in excitement about wearing school uniform. They continue walking down the hallway. Rory and Ellie were carrying a box full of books and papers.

"Funny." Ellie groaned back.

"Thank you! So I told my mom you're both changing schools." Lane added.

"Was she thrilled?" Rory asked.

"The party's on Friday. I gotta go. I have to have a pre-hayride cup of tea with a future doctor. How do I look? Korean?" Lane replied then walked away as Rory nodded.

As Lane left, Rory dropped a book and some papers. As she bends down to pick them up, she turns and sees a guy standing right beside her. It's the same guy who watched her, Ellie and Lane walk into the school a few days earlier. At the time she thought he was cute and she hadn't seen him before, but dismissed him from her thoughts quickly.

"God! You're like Ruth Gordon just standing there with a tannis root. Make a noise." Rory jumped.

"Rosemary's Baby." the tall guy replied.

"Yeah." Ellie added.

"Well, that's a great movie. You've got good taste." he responded clearly only having his vision on Rory, he paused then asked "Are you moving?"

"No, just my books are." Rory replied.

"My family just moved here from Chicago." he responded then introduced himself "I'm Dean"

"Oh im Rory and this is my sister Ellie"

"I would shake your hand, but well you see my hands are kinda busy. I will leave you two to chat, im out Rory. See you in a bit" Ellie said as she continued walking away. She had seen the blush rise up her sisters face and she knew she needed to leave the conversation, as there was no way in hell she was being the third wheel.

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