Chapter Three.

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Lorelai and Rory sat on the front porch, Lorelai is painting Rory's toe nails. Rory squirted some whipped cream into her mouth and smiled at her mom.

"That's nice!" Lorelai said sarcastically.

"Thank you" Rory laughed.

"Don't move!" Lorelai ordered.

"So, why are you insisting on doing this? Ellie, declined but you're here making me do this?" Rory asked.

"Well, because you're starting private school tomorrow. And quite frankly, your sister is quite frightening when she is nervous. I would sooner leave her to listening to her new Korn cd and headbang those nerves out!" Lorelai replied.

"Yes ok I get that, I also understand that is the very reason we are not indoors right now; but I'm going to be wearing shoes. Nobody's gonna see my feet."

"Okay, but everybody knows that private school girls are bad, and bad girls always wear red nail polish." Lorelai grinned. Then there was a moment of silence. "Are you nervous? About starting Chilton?" Lorelai continued.

"Well, I wasn't until I heard about all those bad girls." Rory chuckled.

Lane ran up to the porch waving a CD.

"Guys, guys! New CD - XTC, Apple Venus Volume 2." she exclaimed.

"Oh, woo, nails done!" Lorelai stated. Raising to her feet and following Lane into the house. This was followed by Ellies music stopping and the front door slamming.

"But you only finished half my toes!" Rory mumbled, apparently to herself.

"Eh, scoot. I will finish them for you" Ellie joined her sister on the porch bench and started where her mother had finished. "I know she is your best friend Ror, i'm happy for you to trade her in for one of those rich kids at Chilton. So I can actually listen to my music in my house, uninterrupted." Ellie finished sarcastically.

"Sorry sis, you know what her and mom are like when they unite in their love of music" Rory said.

"Yeah well, she can be okay. But I was almost distracted for a minute their. I am freaking Rory. What if we- I mean me. What if I am not good enough? You, you're amazing, you're so dedicated. I have the attention span of a flea" Ellie nervously said.

"Elle, you have always been able to do anything you set your heart too. Jeez, you don't even have to try that hard. Do you know how frustrating it is to see you skim a book and absorb everything in one sitting? I have to stare over those pages and absorb it studiously. I have to test myself, I have to push myself so much harder than you realise" Rory confessed.

"Honestly Ror? I didn't realise. I just thought it was a twin thing. You know? I just thought we both took things in the same way. And being the perfectionist you are, you just go over and over things till you're happy with them."

"Nope you're a natural sis, and you are going to do amazing. I just know it!" Rory replied.

"Gah, cut the mushy stuff Ror" Ellie shrugged finishing the last toe nail on her sisters foot before they both walked back into the house.


The following morning Rory marched into her mom's room dressed in full uniform. She scoffed with her arms folded when she saw her mom was still asleep.

"Mom!" Rory shouted.

"What? God! Hi." Lorelai answered, startled.

"What are you doing?" Ellie said as she stormed into the room stood beside her sister.

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