Chapter 3: The Men

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Me and Eni got into my 1974 peachy tan orange 15 and I drive.In the area I live in you can have a car and drive but you shouldn't drive but I do anyways.Me and Eni aren't allowed here or out past our curfew wich is 11:46 pm, butbwe sneak out our bed room widows anyway. The club name is Martinique but everyone calls it Martini For Short.

Eni get out, were Here

ok Bianca

we walked right in because there was no lind or gaurd.

Lets go hit the bar and get shots

Eni, im going to the dance floor first ok?


I walked over to the dance floor as a shadow came up behide me.I swung around fast to see my crush, Brente

from school.

im sorry I scared you like that.

its ok-i smiled shyly and rubbed my right arm-

hi im Brente from School, the one who put the Morse code note in your locker

I know, im Bianca

may I have this dance Bianca?

of course:3

I toom his hand and he softly swooped me to his chest. One of his hands were on my lower back and the other hand had our fingers intwind together.My hand was on his shoulder and he twirled me around and gently swooped me out and back in. I felt like a Disney Princess, it was Amazing.

can I buy you some drinks?


-we walked over to the bar holding hands-

what drink?

heavy whiskey please

ok, bottle, cup, glass, or shots?

shots please

how many?

ummm........about......6?...yea,6 shots of heavy whiskey please

no problem

-he ordered our drinks and gave me my 6 shots and heald his bottle of heavy beer.-


anytime-he winked at me as Eni came to me-

Bianca whos your little friend here??

Eni, This is Brente, Brente This is Enitan my bff

nice to meet you

nive to meet you to

-she walked away from me to the dance floor and disappeared into the crowd.I drank all my shots and feelst weard....?-

****************Brentes POV*****************

you dont look well, are you ok?

yea im fine hahahahah im tired LAWL hananaha

-I paid the bartender to watch Bianca.So I went to find Her friend, she was dancing with my friend Bradde. Bianca is really drunk! 

here take the car keys and look in her walet for her adress.

aren't you coming

sorry cant


-I gave the bartender more monry but he wouldn't take it so I tossed it into the open cash register. I picked her up and put her in the car looked in her walet and drove off.I got there and unlocked the door then locked it kicked of my shoes then put her in her bed room on her bed.i sat on the floor waiting for her to wake up.......

The Morse-Code Note¤Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora