Chapter 12; Preggerz?

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Biancas  POV:

I was feeling off  for some monthsso I took a pregnancy test cuz we did not use pertecton.

I was Preggerz!


Whats wrong?

you got me Preggerz!

your pregnant?!!!

yes! please dont leave me!!

sweetie, I wont!


I went to the docters and I was bleeding alot, they thought it was a miscarriage so they gave me a secret combination to make the baby come out real fast.A couple hours later the kid was arrived as Brentd held my hand as I pushed as he told me ut will be fine.But when the babh was delivered, It was a miscarriage. Me and Brente were devastated, but mostly me, I held the dead child and cryed.-

-I was brought home and put to bed, j dident wat ever since then I never ate, slept or did anything.....-

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