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It's 9:30 in the morning the next day when Avi gets a call from Janet, "Hello?"

"Hi, Avi. I'll drop Lucas off around 10:00, is that okay?"

"Of course."

"Alright, we're leaving now so I'll see you in a little bit."

"Okay, has he eaten today?

"Yes, we just finished breakfast."

"Good, thank you. Bye."

"Bye." He hangs up and looks over at Kirstie.

"He's coming today?" She asks, voice still tired.

"Yep, you can shower first while I make breakfast, then you can eat while I shower."

"Deal and break!" Avi laughs as Kirstie gets out of bed and grabs clothes before going into the bathroom.

"You forgot something!" Avi calls, getting out of bed. Kirstie comes back out and pecks Avis's lips.

"I love you, Alpha."

"I love you too, snowflake." She goes back into the bathroom, closes the door, and turns on the shower. Avi goes downstairs and sees Scott in the kitchen, holding Peyton while he makes breakfast.

"Oh good, I don't have to cook. Lucas is coming today at 10:00 and he already ate."

"And everything's ready for him?"

"Yep, we put some of his favorite books on his book shelf and some books by his favorite author."


"Where's Mitch?"

"He was getting out of the shower when I came down here. Here's your food." Avi quickly eats and goes back upstairs to shower when Kirstie gets out.

It's now 10:00 and everyone is ready and sitting in the living room talking.

"Maybe there's traffic, I wouldn't worry too much about it, Av. Maybe she'll call you soon." Scott tries to reassure the couple.

"What if they changed their minds?" Kirstie worries too. Mitch stands up and walks over to Kirstie.

"Hold the baby. Baby makes things better." Kirstie smiles slightly and thanks Mitch as he walks back to sit next to Scott.

Fifteen minutes pass and Mitch gets a call from Todrick, who's at work.

"Hi, Toddy."

"Hi, Monkey. Why isn't Scott answering his phone?"

"It's upstairs. I think he was too lazy to get it." Mitch giggles when Scott mocks offense, knowing he's talking about him.

"Ohh, can I talk to him? It's important."

"Sure. Alpha, it's for you."

Mitch hands Scott the phone, "Hey, Tod."

"Sir, Lucas and Janet are here."

"They're what?"

"They should come. Lucas seems to be fine, I'll have to check on him after my intern is done but I don't know about Janet."

"They'll be there in a few minutes. Thanks, Todrick."

"You're welcome, Sir." He hangs up and gives the phone back to Mitch.

"You have to go to the hospital. Lucas and Janet were in an accident." Avi stands up and walks to the door, Kirstie gives the baby back to Mitch before following Avi out the door.

"Kevy, where are they?" Kirstie asks. Before Kevin can answer, Kirstie sees Lucas running to her.

"Mommy!" She squats down and opens her arms, to which Lucas hugs her.

"Oh, thank god you're okay." She looks up at Todrick, who followed Lucas there, "He's okay, right?"

"He's perfectly fine, a few cuts and bruises but no major injuries."

"Thank you, Tod." She stands up and watches as Lucas runs over to hug Avi.


"Hey, bud!" He picks Lucas up and holds him on his hip.

"Janet says you guys finally adopted me."

"We did, are you happy?"

"Very. You're better than the other family, they didn't like the fact that I like purple and I have long hair."

"That's not very nice of them. I have long hair, too. So does Mommy, so I guess we're just a family of long haired people."

"You and Mommy have dark hair, though."

"She used to have blonde hair, but she changed it back to her natural color."

"Av." Avi looks over at Kevin and sets Lucas down.

"Go to Mommy, okay? I'll be right back." Lucas goes back to Kirstie and holds her hand as Avi talks to Kevin.

"Janet's stable for now and she should be fine, but she has to be here for a few nights for observation."

"Thanks, Kev."

They go back home and go inside to see Scott and Mitch playing Mario Kart on the TV while Peyton naps in the rocking crib/baby chair (again,???) beside the couch.

"Alpha, you're going down."

"Your name isn't Alpha, baby boy."

"Oh, hey, guys." They turn the TV off and get up.

"You must be Lucas, I've heard a lot about you. I'm Scott, this is my Omega and fiancé, Mitch."

"Nice to meet you, Scott and Mitch."


"Mommy told me you have a baby, may I see her?"

Scott looks at Mitch, "Of course, but she may still be sleeping so you have to be careful not to wake her." Mitch tells him. He takes the small Beta's hand and brings him to the other side of the coffee table where the baby is now awake, smiling when she sees Mitch.

He lets go of Lucas's hand and picks Peyton up, sitting down on the couch so Lucas can see her.

"She's so cute, I love her already." Mitch smiles when Peyton holds Lucas's finger and laughs as he makes a funny face.

"How about this, you can play with her later but I think your parents want to show you your room, okay?"

"I get a room? And a bed?" Mitch's heart hurts at the surprised tone in his voice.

"Of course you do, honey. Have you had a bed before?"

"Not really, I had to share a twin bed with four or five other people twice my size so I ended up on the floor a lot."

"Well, you get your own bed now so that won't happen again."

"Luke, you wanna see it?" Avi asks Lucas, who nods and stands up to follow Avi and Kirstie to the room.

"Ready?" Kirstie smiles, hand on the door knob.

Lucas claps, "Yes!" She opens it and they go in the room, the Beta looking at it in awe.

"Do you like it?"

"I love it! You even painted it purple!"

"We did. We were going to buy you clothes but we knew you were bringing some so we can go shopping whenever. That way you can have a choice in what you wear."

"Thanks, Mommy."

"You're welcome, baby."


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