Bleeding Love

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*new version available,
w/ more in depth scenes*

Closed off from love, I didn't need the pain
Once or twice was enough, but it was all in vain

Stiles had been trying so hard.

He promised himself he'd sit and listen to scott incessantly whine about everything wrong with his life; how annoying his mom was being this day; how Isaac couldn't spend the night that day; how he got a goddamn b- on that chemistry test he swore he spent more than thirty minutes studying for on Tuesday night before his 'much needed' study break Isaac. He promised himself he wouldn't snap and scream that at least Scott had a mom and there were worse things than that mom saying no to her teenage son's boyfriend spending the night; or a boyfriend to spend the night with; and at least he didn't get a D on that chemistry test that stiles had spent 6 hours each day studying for.

He promised himself he would hold his head high and give the best, snarkiest comeback when Jackson stood beside his locker and started being rude and invasive. 'Yes Jackson it does bother me that most people think I'm a useless, 5 foot 8 bag of bones, it also bothers me that your mom keeps calling me at midnight telling me to come over, would you mind telling her to keep it in her pants? Thanks'

He promised himself he wouldn't be sad when Scott told him he couldn't come over and play that new video game because his mom had him on lock down, studying for the rest of the night. And he promised himself he wouldn't cry when he saw Scott twenty minutes later across the street from his favorite take out place with Isaac hanging from his neck, wide smiles etched on their faces. He told himself to be happy that his best friends were happy. He told himself that Scott hadn't meant to lie to him.

He promised himself it was okay that the only person that truly loved him was across the country and he didn't call because he was finally picking himself back up and taking care of his health.

Stiles promised himself he wouldn't take it hard if his dad called to cancel their Friday night dinner at Octavia's Diner again because Mrs Martin got off work early and called him to come over. And he promised himself he wouldn't cry when his father didn't apologize for standing him up and leaving him to wait for three hours in an empty booth for the fifth Friday in a row.

He promised himself it didn't break his heart every time he tried to ask for help and no one was listening. 'Scott can I tell you something?' 'Give me a second bro, Isaac just texted me'. Scott never spared him that second and stiles promised himself he wouldn't let that hurt him. 'Dad I-' 'stiles, I just got done with a shift, is it important?' Stiles promised himself it was just heart burn and not his heart actually, physically in pain when his dad grabbed the bottle of whiskey and a glass and left the room without waiting for stiles to answer.

Stiles promised himself that the werewolves didn't smell the depression and desperation wafting off of him because they were simply distracted, not because they couldn't care less. He told himself that he's just good at hiding it.

Stiles was trying so damn hard.

But he's broken so many promises to himself.

Time starts to pass, before you know it, you're frozen

It has been seven months. Seven months of waking up screaming in an empty house and fading into the school walls. His eyes were heavy with the lack of sleep and his skin was clinging to his bones from every meal that he pushed to the side because the silence was gnawing at him again. It was mid October and everyone was getting ready for Halloween, Stiles told himself it didn't hurt when all of the people he called his friends were in a tight group across the hall discussing costumes and the party Lydia was throwing.

Bleeding Love // sterek short storyWhere stories live. Discover now