Chapter 1- Get to know me and my life.

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Hanish's POV:

Hanging up the call with Dhuruva ( book 1 chapter 12), I laid back on my office chair and wondered how life has changed. I still remember the day I met him. The son of a well-known doctor, brainy, school topper and a sports person on top of all yet, with not much attitude or pride, walked right into the class, took the seat next me and out of coincidence we became friends. His mother used to make lunch for all of us and I eventually bought an apartment just next to his house for my stay in Chennai. He nor any of my other friends mocked me for failing CPT exam once. We all carpooled together to institute all most every day.

Days go by like the lightning strike. It has been six years since I graduated and took it upon myself to support my already damn-well-settled family. Life is monetary. Love and feelings to me are for the weak. Everyone thinks that this is my motto. But it is not true. It is not completely wrong though. To me, a happy life means money and friends and not family. Money might come and go but good genuine friends stay back to support you. All my life I had to work hard to be where I am. I am not born intelligent like Dhuruva. I failed my CPT exams once and rejected in many interviews unlike many of my friends. I had to prove to my family that a money- mined father and a fame-following mother is not needed in my life to make it great. I learnt it the hard way that family is not always great as they all say and society is no less.

I am married. Sorry I was married until a few months ago. My wife Nipuna, a socialite and the only daughter of one of the greatest charted accounts in India agreed to marry me when her father proposed the marriage in exchange for my service to their company. I was appointed as the chief accountant at the age of 25 and was married to a beautiful girl. My friends Dhuruva included saw my marriage as a cheap move since my wife was unpopular female among her associates.

The first year of our marriage went like a blow of wind. I was busy cementing my position at our company and she was busy with shopping, parlour and treating friends at expensive restaurants. I didn't like her much at that point in time and out of family pressure, we decided to have a child of our own. That according to me is my best decision in life.

When Nipuna became pregnant both our families rejoiced in the classiest manner ever. My father-in-law thought it would be great if I took care of my wife rather than taking care of our company. I agreed to attend baby classes with her and eventually we bonded. She wasn't the person she portrayed to be. From within she was soft and innocent. The society has manipulated to abide by its stereotypical norms. Life for her was never too easy. A weight-conscious mother, a pampering father, strict grandparents and a lack of siblings has spoiled her to the core. During those few months, she showed me her true nature and it was beautiful

Mahina, our daughter, was born on February 13, 2015. Since her birth, it has been only me and her. Her mother never had even the slightest ounce of time for our daughter. Every single day I woke up to find my daughter crying and never once saw my wife take care of her. Fearing a loss of body shape, my wife never thought to even feed our baby. It was three months later my wife met with an accident and left our child motherless.

This shook my life to the highest magnitude. I became more distant and arrogant. It took me a lot of time to trust and love someone and when I finally falling for someone the world had other plans. My heart was yet again empty and my daughter made it her life to fill it every inch of love possible. Mahina showed me what true love is. I became restless when she was not near me, when she fell sick I felt my life fall apart and when she said her first word it felt like the whole of the earth has turned into honey.

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