Chapter One - First Day of School

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As has been the tradition every year since you started elementary school, before your mom will let you head to the bus, you have to stand there and model for her as she takes a million photos of you. It's tiring, to say the least, but she promises that when you're older, you'll appreciate the fact that there are so many photos of you throughout high school. You don't quite believe her yet, but to be fair, you just hate getting your picture taken. Down the line, you probably will cherish these photos, as much as you'd hate to admit it. 

"Honey, I really don't think you need that many photos of (Y/N)," your dad, the one person seemingly on your side, says from the other side of the room. He is smiling though and appears to be finding a bit of amusement in your torture.

"But it's (Y/N)'s first day of junior year! This event comes once in a lifetime!" argues your mother. She takes another three or four photos, then adds, as she always does, "You'll thank me for this one day."

"I'm sure I will"—you lean forward to give her a kiss on the cheek—"but I have to go now or I'm going to miss the bus. I'll see you after school!"

Reluctantly, your mom tucks her phone into her pocket and sighs. "Fine. Have a good day today, and make sure to say hi to Peter and Ned for me!"

You nod, dash over to give your dad a quick hug, then grab your bag and run out the door to your bus stop. The bus is just pulling up as you arrive, so you thank the gods for allowing you not to miss it and hop on.

It's about a twenty-minute ride to school, and when you arrive, you push through the crowds loitering by the front gate so you can go find your two best friends, Peter and Ned. It only takes a few minutes before you spot them closer to the school building. Grinning, you make your way through the crowd and towards them.

"Hey, nerds!" is the first thing you say when you see them. Peter frowns a bit at you, but the corners of his mouth turn upwards again as he holds out his hands and the three of you do your little "friendship" handshake that you made up years ago. It's dumb and childish, but it's a fun tradition between the three of you. "How have you been? I missed you guys!"

"You saw us last week," replies Peter. "Not much has really happened since then."

"I'm still excited to see you! And to start the new school year!" You bounce up and down a bit as you speak, feeling oddly energetic even though you'll soon be entering one of the most tiring and soul-crushing buildings you've ever been in.

"You're excited for school?" asks Ned, his nose wrinkling ever so slightly in disgust. "School is literally the bane of my existence."

"It can be fun sometimes," you say defensively. "But... actually, yeah, you've got a point."

"Well, it's the first day, so it shouldn't be too bad, right?" says Peter. However, before you can answer, a bell from inside the building rings, signalling to the three of you that it's time to head inside. You listen to the order of the bell and follow the mob of students filing into the building.

You head to the gym first, where your homeroom classes are posted along one of the walls. It doesn't take long to find your names and, upon discovering that you're all in the same homeroom, you head there together.

When you get there, the teacher gives the usual, "Welcome to school, here's what to expect" speech, and then you get your lockers and your schedules. Peter and Ned are sharing, and to your pleasant surprise, your locker partner is MJ, who is essentially the only person you talk to aside from the two boys. Once you all get your lockers situated, it's time to head to class.

The day progresses quite normally. The teachers all say the same thing, pretty much, just giving course outlines and providing their expectations for their classrooms. The only thing that keeps you entertained is the fact that you share every one of your classes with at least one of your friends, and there are even two classes that you, Peter, and Ned have together. Unfortunately, the teachers knew from previous years not to seat you anywhere near each other, but that doesn't stop you from mouthing jokes and making faces behind the teacher's back.

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