Chapter Eleven- Back Home

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When you finally arrive back on the roof, both Tony and Peter give you light applause as you lower to the ground. You giggle a bit to yourself, then bow.

"For your first time, that was awesome, (Y/N)!" says Peter. Then, with a slight grin, "Not nearly as cool as Spiderman though."

"Hey!" you shoot back. "I personally think Dragonfly is excellent. Spiderman is old news by now!"

"Kids, come on, no arguing on my roof," Tony says with a sigh. He then smirks and adds, "We all know that Iron Man is the superior superhero, and obviously the coolest out of all of them." He pulls some sunglasses out of seemingly nowhere, puts them on, and then backs away into the building. You and Peter just watch him, a bit dumbfounded.

"Honestly don't even think we can argue with that," says Peter.

"Not even going to try," you add. You pull your mask off and then turn to face Peter, who looks at you as a goofy smile forms on his face.

"This is great, (nickname). I'm actually really happy that we're going to get to spend even more time together now."

"You're sure you're okay with me being here?"

"I'm positive. I'll be here to protect you if anything goes wrong, remember?" He gives you a friendly punch on the shoulder, and you laugh.

"My hero," you say, and Peter laughs as well.

"I should probably get back to the hospital though. May is coming to visit and I think she'll be a bit concerned if she shows up and I'm not there."

"Alright, be safe, I'll see you soon." You lean over and kiss Peter on the cheek, and watch as his face turns a light shade of pink.

"H-Hey, come on, you can do a bit more than that." He shyly reaches over, places a hand on the side of your face, and pulls you in for a light kiss. Now it's your turn to blush. "You're cute, you know that?"

"Shut up, I'm still your best friend, don't get too romantic on me," you tease, although you can't deny that you enjoyed the compliment. "I'll talk to you in a bit, Spiderboy."

"Sounds good. Bye!" Peter gives you a little wave and then runs off after Tony down the stairs. You chuckle a bit to yourself, then put your mask back on over your face.

"Hey, Signal?"


"Do you think you could run a tutorial for me so I can learn how to use the rest of this suit?"

"Sure thing, (Y/N). Let's get started.


About an hour later, you're basically an expert on how the Dragonfly suit works. The blades on your wrists are sharper than knives and way more durable, and you made the mistake of testing them on the metal roof, which caused a sizable dent and a bit of explaining to do to Tony.

There's also a mechanic similar to the spider webs, which Signal calls acid. There are many different types, including one similar to an actual acid, one that freezes whatever it touches, one that is powered by electricity and shocks anyone who comes in contact with it, one that explodes after a few seconds, and many more. There are over three dozen combinations, all unique and useful in their own ways.

You test out all of your weapons and make sure you understand as much about the suit as you can. You want to be able to use it as soon as you can, and you're already excited about the idea of going on a real mission. You hope it doesn't take long until you get an opportunity to show off your skills.

Before you leave the tower for the night, Tony gives you a special briefcase-looking thing to keep your suit in. It has a facial scanner and can only be opened by a member of the Avengers, making it impossible to break into. It's also made from vibranium, which had been donated by one of the Avenger's allies, T'Challa, meaning that it couldn't simply be smashed to get access to the inside. It's completely secure from anybody outside the Avengers.

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