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"Hyung, catch me if you can." The younger boy giggled and ran, while holding his airplane toy above his head.

"TaeTae I'm gonna catch you." The older boy got off the mat with a packet of cheetos in his hand, and ran behind the younger.

Both the boys kept running, older chasing the younger, until they realised they were in the middle of the forest.

Older from them both didn't stop running, not even when the younger one started crying. "Don't go hyung."

The little boy kept crying until he felt his skin burning, he squinted his eyes and saw a little treehouse in front of him burning. His body trembled as he backed away, but stopped when he saw his brother inside the little house, with another boy.

"HYUNGG!" He yelled and cried, as he saw his brother struggling inside the little space of the tree house, with the boy in his arms, as the fire increased, swallowing the whole tree. His brother threw the boy from the window as he himself struggled to jump out, but to no avail his struggles died as he collapsed in the little burning tree house.


Do min young's p.o.v

"Where's my son?"

"I've kept him somewhere safe, do my work and take your son."

"Do you even know how many bodyguards are surrounded around him? You can't even enter his company or mansion."

"I don't give a fuck kang, kill him in a week or your son is dead." And the line went dead.

Why does he not understand? If I get caught this time I'd be hanged to death. Jeon Junghyun is not an easy target, not with 8 muscular bodyguards around him 24/7.

And he's not the only one, Kim Taehyung needs to be killed as well.

Why is this so fucked up?

SeokJin, appa promises to rescue you soon. Just these two people, and then you're free.

"Boss has a son, you know?" I turned my head to look at Na woon, who was busy painting her nails black.

"He doesn't have a son." I said before continuing to polish my gun.

"I don't know his name, but he goes to the same school as Jennie. I saw his report card, that needed parents signature on it." I placed the gun in the side pocket of my trousers before giving my full attention to her.

"Was it-"

"Indeed." She smirked and glanced at me before picking on her newly painted nails. "You can hold him as a hostage and get your son back."

My lips curved into a smile, as a thought of SeokJin's release crossed my mind.

"You seem a little stressed, want me to help you release some?" My smile wiped off as na woon got on her knees, I frowned and pushed her away, before walking out of her room, and her house.

I'm gonna find out who this kid is.

Third person p.o.v

In the therapy room...

"I've been having nightmares, and I think some of them are related to my past." Taehyung fiddled with his fingers, not making a direct eye contact with Dr.Lee.

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