chapter 1

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This is my second story... i hope you will enjoye

(In this story Genji turned into a cyborg when he was 18 and he is now 26)

You sat there looking outside like every year it was your birthday but you parents again left you alone. They always had the same excuse. 'we need to go on a mission' your parents said. you were turning 18 years old and were trained by people of overwatch they were your family now... even if you actually wanted to see your parents. Or actually did you really wanted to see them? They only left you alone... did they even give about you?... questions like this always went trough you mind.

---two weeks ago---

"(y/n) look we can't stay here we need to go on a mission we will try being there when you turn 18 but we can't promise I'm sorry" you mother had said to you.

"You're never there you're always on a mission or doing something else... why would I believe you? You never were a mom to me" you looked at your dad "or you a dad to me" "you two were never there for me. I don't even know if you are even family my be by blood... but I don't see you as family, just get the hell out of my life. I don't care anymore! Just go on your mission and die if you want what would it matter!" you said and ran off. The last part hurt your parent a lot but they knew they were never there for you.

Everybody had heard you screaming to them. They knew your parents were never there for you.

Genji ran after you but was stopped by your parents. "let her" your mother said. "you don't know her anymore, you don't know what she thinks or feels" he ran to you.

But you were already in your room sitting against your door. "leave me alone" you said you knew Genji was in front of your door.

"please let me in" he said. he was a really good friend.

You opened your door you were crying the cyborg hugged you directly. "its okay (y/n)"

"don't worry okay, it will be all okay" he said while hugging you and going trough your hair with his metal hand. He was the one who always could calm you and make you feel better. It was special.

---back to now---

You looked at the snow it always calmed you, you went outside and sat on your sort of balcony and looked at the snow. You just had sweatpants on and a tank top. You didn't feel the cold so why would you put something else on. You stood up and sat some further away from were you were and sat just in the snow with you hands you went tough it you felt the cold but it didn't hurt. It felt amazing. You always enjoyed the snow, the wind... the cold.

It would probably be the last time you would see the snow you thought.

so this was the first chapter of the story ^^

i drew the cover myself xD

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