How about no

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Wade followed me to the archery range as Rogue and Bobby do a little sparing and Pete does an obstacle course. I shrug my quiver into place and test the draw weight of my bow,

"So little Hawkeye! You any good with that bow of yours?" Wade asked while loading his gun.

Instead of answering I grab an arrow and fire it in the space of heartbeat ,due to many years of practice, the arrow gives a solid smack as it appears in the target. A perfect bullseye. I turn to Wade,

"Your turn Merc."

He grins from behind his mask and the white part for eyes rise in a challenge. He turns and let's off a round of bullets, all clustered in the main areas of a head, chest, and....crotch? I wince internally  at that last one and gesture to it,

"Is that really necessary?"

Wade nods excitedly and shoots again, "Crotch shot!"

I loud bang rings throughout the room we both turn to see that Spidey had slammed into a wall. Anna Marie gasps and runs over to him,

"Peter! Are you all right?"

" 'M fine" He gets up and blushes behind his mask and brushes off imaginary dust, "I just got distracted." He shrugs it off.

"Awwww little spidey-poo." Deadpool goes in for a death squeeze but Peter jumps out of reach,

"No, Wade."

Then Natasha decided to walk on in, "Ok trainees time to go."

Bobby looks up, "Where are we going?"

But, of course,  she doesn't get an answer. I grab my arrows from the target and put them in my quiver before pulling up my hood. And stalking after her. She leads us into a quinjet,

"Everyone sit down and buckle up before I tie you to a chair."

------time skip ------
"Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we thereeeee yeeeeettttt?"

I internally groan. Wade has been doing this for the past few minutes. Peter was talking with Natasha in the cockpit and the love birds were in the corner, sitting quietly.

"Bullseye are we there yetttttt?"

"Wade, no offence, but if you don't shut up I'll freeze your mouth off."

He shuts up and I let out a breath of relief.

"I want a chimchanga."

I turn and start slamming my head into the quinjet wall, repeatedly.

--------time skip -------

We finally arrive at Stark tower, or Avenger tower, or whatever it's called now. I jump out the bay doors and into the docking area. And retreat to a corner, away from the others. Suddenly Wade appears next to me with a loud 'POOF'. I jump back,


He smiles cheekily, "I call it 'BAMF'! I can teloport anywhere!"

Then he appears next to Peter forcing me to yell my last comment,


I wave my arms to reinforce my shout. Wade laughs and nods before following Widow and the others. I grumble about him being a jackass and I follow them. We go on this huge ass tour of the tower, I'll give you the lay out,

There are 50 floors.
Top ten are the avengers, rest are for the SI workers.
Very top floor is Tony's and his lab(s).
Next is the main Avengers rooms
Then the living area floor
Fourth is guest rooms and rest of Avengers
Fifth is guest living area
Sixth is the party floor for all of Stark's parties
Seventh is the training floor
Eighth is a large medical Bay
Ninth is a gym and pool
And finally the tenth floor has theater, Lord knows why

We were staying on the fourth floor. Duh. Widow showed us to our individual rooms. Mine was between Peter and Pietro. Not too shabby. The rest of my things from my little hut were already in here. There was a button on the wall. I pushed it and a section of the wall opened and there was an area to put my costume and weapons. Convenient.

"Everyone change out of your costumes and meet on the third floor, JARVIS will lead you to the elevator."

Remove my costume? How about no. But I don't really feel like arguing with an Assassin so I change out of my outfit and into a large grey sweater and sweats. I keep the hood of my sweater up and walk toward the elevator.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2019 ⏰

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