Chapter Eight: The Game

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Damn it! Suzaku reluctantly pulled away from Nyfian, who seemed to be glowing with happiness. Suzaku smiled back at her, but inside, he felt strange. He wasn't even sure how to feel. It was good. It should have been the best kiss he ever had. It certainly felt like it should have been. But it just didn't give him the feeling he expected. It wasn't nowhere near what he felt when Lelouch... Suzaku grimaced. What was he thinking?

Nyfian noticed a reaction immediately. Suzaku could see her happiness dim. "What's wrong?"

Suzaku was good in these situations. Rather than telling her he just didn't feel anything, he told her, "I pulled a muscle training earlier this week. It bothers me random lately." Nyfian accepted that with a grin on her face yet again, although she apologized for the sore muscle. Suzaku just brushed it off, feeling slightly guilty. But he would never admit the fact he had kissed Lelouch, nor that it was better than the one he just shared with Nyfian. Not that that was the case anyway... He smiled at Nyfian and said, "Well, should we get going? We don't want to be late for Lelouch's gambling party."

"That's very true. We better head there then." Nyfian smiled at Suzaku again and took his hand before they started walking. Suddenly, Suzaku felt awkward. But he didn't want to make her feel bad. He'd just have to explain...somehow. Without revealing what it was he'd compared her kiss to. Not that it meant much. It was just his feelings of friendship towards Lelouch. And he was probably a better kisser.

Not that Suzaku cared in the least...

"So, how intense do these games really get?" Nyfian asked suddenly, interrupting Suzaku's train of thought.

Suzaku grinned. "The last game I witnessed, Milly threw a chair at Lelouch and then flipped the table because Lelouch was beating her at Scrabble. She ended up having to pay him anyway... And that was only over about fifty bucks. If she does start losing this upcoming game, I'll be surprised if everyone lives." Nyfian just stared at Suzaku with wide eyes. "But don't worry. I'm sure it'll be fine this time."

She still didn't look convinced, but noticed a bank close by and told Suzaku to wait while she got the money. Suzaku watched her walk across the street and sighed. How was he going to tell such a sweet girl that he just didn't feel that important physical connection with her?



Thoroughly pissed, Lelouch walked into his home. Rolo was right in sight. He caught sight of Lelouch and instantly, a look of pure fear was on his face. "Rolo, what the hell were you thinking?!" Lelouch growled, walking over to Rolo.

"Bi-big brother... I..." Rolo seemed lost for words, looking scared out of his mind.

"You're fucking unhealthy enough as it is! Why the hell would you think doing that would be okay?!"

Rolo was basically cowering as far as he could into the chair he was in. "...I'm sorry..."

The sight of a cowering Rolo simmered the anger of Suzaku being on a date with someone else and Gino defiling his little brother. Lelouch just sighed and sat in the chair next to Rolo. "What do you think you're doing, Rolo?"

"I've been dating him for a really long time," Rolo said hesitantly, waiting to see what his big brother would do next.

Lelouch just threw his hands up in defeat. "How long has this been? And why didn't you tell me?"

"It's been going on since about a month after he came to Ashford," Rolo said, fidgeting nervously. "We weren't exactly sure where it was going to lead and by now it's just a habit to hide things. At first, it was because he wasn't sure how his parents would react. And I didn't really know your opinion either. But you don't seem to mind. But it's been over a year now, big brother."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2018 ⏰

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