Part Seven: Firsts

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Look on side>>>

Blake's POV

We're on our way to visit the gang to see how things were doing, Harry drove the SUV as I was texting Anna to let her know were on our way; glancing behind me I see Asia, looking out the window in her car seat. Her hazel eyes watching the blue sky pass as we go on to the highway. She's turning one in a month and still hasn't said a peep of real words. Only baby words, today we'll see if anyting can come out of her; her brown hair is curly like Harry's and is covered by a little beanie like her fathers.

"Asia," her father called and she turned her head at her voice, "You gonna be a good girl today?"

I smiled at him and looked at her as she nodded her head and smiled showing her new teeth she has, clapping her small chubby hands. Looking back at Harry I smile at him and he glances at me and smiles.

"I love you." He said and I smiled. "I love you too."

"So I was thinking, you let me have a little practice while were there." I said and he tighten his hand around the steering wheel.

"I don't think that's a good idea, you've been off that because of Asia. I don't want you getting hurt." I nod my head and sigh, turning my head to the window I smirk knowing I'm going to get my way anyway.



"ASIA!!" I heard a familiar voice and I smiled before putting Asia down and seeing her run to Meg, her blue hair sticking out from her messy bun. Her and Ross finally got married and now they're trying for a baby. She picked up Asia and her baby giggles filled the air.

"Hey Meg, yes I'm here too." She waved at me and walked away with my daughter. I rolled my eyes and smiled. My timbs hit the floor as I walked over to the area where Harry usually stays at, putting down the baby bag and taking off my sweater to show off my grey punk snow white shirt with blue high waisted . I inhaled deepy, the smell of cigarettes and gun powder fill my nose and I smile; missing the smell a little bit.

"BLAKE!!" I smiled at the voice and turned to see Ross standing there with his arms wide open as I ran to him.

"HOW HAVE YOU BEEN?" I exclaimed loudly, and he rubbed his ear.

"Great, still trying for a baby but hopefully this time it'll work. How is Asia?" I smiled and told him how we're waiting for her to start talking.

"Maybe today is the day." I shrug.

"Hey up for a little fighting today?" I ask and he nods his head and I smirk knowing my plan will work.


Harry's POV

I look over the blueprints for the new building I wanted to have build, I was about to write something down when I started to hear a small familiar laugh; turning around I saw Meg walking with Asia and she was trying to reach me.

"Hi baby came to see what daddy is doing?" I asked and she smiled at me waddling to me, I picked her up and looked into her eyes; her chubby hands touched my cheeks, giving me a smile showing her little teeth.

"Say daddy." She looked at me and open her mouth, making me gape at her with wide eyes; waiting for her to say something but she only blew a raspberry at causing me to sigh.

"Where is mommy?" She looked at me then started to squirm, I put her down and then took her hand in mine. We walked from my space to the rest of the gang, they all said hello to her and she smiled back at them. I was looking at her before I heard commotion in the center and noticed people circling around people fighting. My eyes widen when I realize who just might be fighting, anger boiled inside me and I picked up Asia.

"Mommy is in big trouble."


Blake's POV

I sent a punch into Ross's face and he grabbed my wrist, I lifted my foot and sent it into his ribs; he let go but shoved me to the floor, I grunted when he jumped onto me and knocked the breath out of me.

"That all you got Blake!" I smirked and kneed him in the balls, he groaned and I pushed him off.

"I win."

"BLAKE!" I froze hearing Harry's angry voice, turning around I saw him looking at me with intensing green eyes. I looked at Asia and she looked scared due to Harry's voice, I glared at Harry and he stepped forward.

"Blake, I told you not to fight yet. You're not ready for that." I rolled my eyes and reached for Asia but he moved away from me, not letting me touch her.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing? Give her to me." I glared at him and reached for my daughter and he moved again.

"Harry so fucking help me, give me my daughter!" he glared at me and put her down. She walked to Ross who was on the floor stil, she sat on his stomach causing him to make a 'uff' noise.

"Why the fuck don't you listen to me." Harry seethed and I stepped foward towards him.

"Because you love to just hold me down, I'm fine." he grabbed my face roughly and pressed his thumb into my lip causing me to whimper.

"See you busted your lip badly and you didn't even realize it." I sighed and shook my head out of the his grasp.

"Alright I'm sorry." he nodded and placed a kiss on my lips, making me wince again.

"Sorry Bl-"

"MOMMY!" My eyes widen and I spun around looking at my daughter, who was standing up and looking at me.

"MOMMY!" She started to cry and I ran to her picking her up, I felt happy tears come to my eyes and I kissed her cheeks.

"Yes baby I'm here. I'll always be here." She looked into my brown eyes and smiled before looking at Harry, who looked jealous.

"Dada!" Harry smiled and everyone cheered, we finallly got her to say her first words. I looked at Harry and then back at our daughter.

"I love you Harry." He smiled back at me.

"I love you too Blake." he placed his lips on mine and I felt extremely happy.

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