Nerd Lab and meeting the others

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It was late the next night when Wolf woke up to talking, she got up from behind a dumpster and saw Hiro and Tadashi getting on the moped, Wolf walks over, tilting her head wondering where they were going, Tadashi looked at Wolf" we're going to my college SFIT to get something then taking the knucklehead to a bot fight" Wolf had a feeling that Tadashi was doing something suspicious she nods Tadashi turns on his moped, Hiro sits behind him, helmet on, Wolf runs beside the moped Hiro looked at her" you coming to?!" Wolf continues running beside them she was faster than the moped but she held back since she did not know where the college was. When they got there Hiro looked at Tadashi" you are grabbing something quickly right?" He did not want to miss this bot fight, Tadashi hummed and headed inside, Hiro followed, Wolf did to but Hiro stopped her" whoa, whoa! It's not a good idea for a big wolf to come in a college, there could be some students inside and they would have a chicken when they see a car sized wolf walking around" Wolf snorts and continues her way in' no way am I letting you out of my sight' she thought to herself, she wouldn't use telepathy with the two just yet. Hiro groans" don't blame us if you get caught and shipped off to be experimented on" Wolf glares and whacks him in the face with her tail, Tadashi laughs" well its nice to see that she can keep you in line and discipline you when I'm not around" Hiro glares, rubbing his cheek, it stung just a little since he felt the full force of the tail whack.

Tadashi opened the door right as Hiro walked in Wolf heard someone coming at a fast speed, she grabbed the bottom of his jacket and pulled him back in a nick of time or he would have been ran over by a bike with some weird wheels just floating nothing holding them, Hiro sighs in relief, he was almost road kill" thanks Wolf, that's some hearing being able to hear that bike" Wolf puffed out her chest looking proud, the person hung their bike up and went up to Hiro and Wolf" who are you?" it sounded like a girl, Tadashi smiles" GoGo this is my younger brother Hiro and.... our new guardian" he said not sure if the canine would appreciate it being called a pet. GoGo took off her helmet; she had short hair with a single purple streak, she was chew on what sounded like gum which they were correct when she blew a bubble, it then pop as she looked unamused" Welcome to the Nerd Lab" Hiro laughs nervously and examined the wheels on GoGo's bike" I never seen electro-mag suspension on a bike before" GoGo spun the peddle" Zero resistance, faster bike but-" she took the back wheel off" not fast enough-" she then tossed it in a bin with several other defectives" yet" then she left. Wolf scuffs and looked around it was pretty interesting, just nerds doing their own thing, inventing things no teachers or classrooms, she could see a few lab doors open, seeing that some students decorated them to make them feel comfortable, she walked around not paying attention when" oh! Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!! Is that a wolf?!?!" A male asked with dreadlocks pulled back with a headband he backed away from it petrified looking like he was going to piss his pants Hiro walks over" oh sorry, she's harmless really, she won't hurt any one unless they attack first," the male hums" ummm ok could you tell her to step back behind the line please?" Hiro looks at the line and gently pushes Wolf back behind it, male sighs, walking to his invention, Tadashi walked over" hey Wasabi this is my brother Hiro and our guardian Wolf" Wasabi waves" hello you two, prepare to be amazed," he turns on the machine, green lasers appeared" catch" he then tossed an apple through the lasers, it then split into paper-thin slices, Hiro caught the apple slice" wow... Laser induced plasma?" Wasabi grinned" oh yeah, with a little magnetic confinement for, uh ultra precision" he walked to his extremely neat tools that were organized even having white outlines for each part. Hiro picked up a square magnifying glass" wow how do you find any thing in this mess?" Wasabi took the tool back" I have a system-" he placed the tool back to its designed spot and made sure it was straight" there's a place for everything, everything's in its place" GoGo then pops out from nowhere and grabs a wrench, her hip bumping the tool box, messing up the organized tools" need this!" "you can't do that! This is anarchy! Society has rules!" Wasabi screamed as he ran after GoGo. Wolf shakes her head' odd people already,' she then heard clicks of heels, she wraps her tail around Hiro's waist and pulled him out of the way again, it was a very tall girl with long golden hair, very high heels on, a lab coat and glasses" excuse me! coming through!" she came running rolling a gigantic metal sphere, she pushed it into a holder, leaned back over the sphere seeing Hiro" oh my gosh, you must be Hiro!" She returns upright" I heard so much about you from Tadashi!" she yelled over the blaring music coming from her earbuds, she then kissed his cheeks and pulled him to the sphere, taking out her earbuds, Hiro looked at the sphere" that's a whole lot of tungsten carbide," " four hundred pounds of it! C'mere! You're gonna love this!" she then pulls him to her work area, Wolf follows not liking being far from Hiro even if they are in the same room and she could see him. The girl starts adding chemicals" a dash of perchloric acid, a smidge of cobalt, a hint of hydrogen peroxide, super-heated to five hundred Kelvin and..!" she then sprayed the sphere, pulling the lever revealing a pink sphere" TADA!!!" Hiro looks at it" it's so.... pink" Wolf stuck out her tongue in disgust as she disliked pink and whoever invented the color. The girl grins" and here's the best part..." she then poked it, Wolf pulled Hiro back while backing away to just in time to see it explode into a pink smoke, luckily it didn't get on her and Hiro, Hiro grins" whoa!!" The girl grins at them, taking off her glasses to clean the pink smoke off of them" I know right? Chemical metal embrittlement!" Tadashi smirks" not bad Honey Lemon," Wolf thought' Honey Lemon? This girl is seriously too hyper and happy for no reason,' Hiro looked confused" Honey Lemon, GoGo, Wasabi?" Wasabi left the lab irritated" I spilt wasabi on my shirt one time people! ONE. TIME!" Tadashi looked at Hiro" Fred is the one who comes up with the nicknames" Hiro blinks and looks at his brother with an arch eyebrow" uh, who's Fred" As if on cue there was a voice that spoke close to him" this guy! Right here!" Wolf looks then growls, barking as Hiro turns and sees a lizard face close to him, he jumps, terror on his face" AHH!" The lizard guy pulled away" ah, ah don't be alarmed it's just a suit," he pulls up the lizard's mouth revealing a blonde teenage boy with a monster beanie on his head" this is not my real face and body," he extends his hand, the mouth closes only with his arm sticking out of the mouth" the name's Fred," he does some dance moves with a sign" school mascot by day but by night... I am also a school mascot" Wolf huffs' weird ass kid...' Fred goes right in Wolf's face" whoa!!! Is that a real wolf and not just a robot with fur material and glass eyes!!" He did the unthinkable which was opening her mouth and sticking his head inside it, Hiro extends his arms, bot in one hand" ah... Fred I wouldn't.." "whoa!! It doesn't smell bad like I thought most wolves breath smells like blood, raw meat and just smelly it smells minty actually like someone brushed its teeth with toothpaste!!" Wolf growls, glaring down at Fred she raised her mouth a little more ready to chomp down to decapitate him but Hiro tugged her ear gently, whispering" don't!" Wolf scuffs and waits till this loony kid gets his head out of her mouth. Fred finally took out his head" that is so cool! it's a real wolf! Now that would be a mascot for the school!" Wolf looked unamused, Hiro lets go of her ear and looks at Fred who plopped down in a chair littered with candy wrappers, candy, soda and comic books" what's your major?" Fred grins" I'm not a student, but I am a major science enthusiast, I've been trying to get Honey to develop a formula that can turn me into a fire-breathing lizard at will" he held a comic showing a fire-breathing lizard" but she says its 'not science'" he air quoted the 'not science' Honey Lemon walks over" It's really not..." Fred scuffs" and I guess the shrink ray I asked Wasabi for isn't 'science' either is it?" Wasabi came over, crossing his arms replying with a simple nope. The gang started talking about Fred's nonsense about an invisible sandwich. Tadashi called over Hiro and nudges his head to the door as he opened it, Hiro follows along with Wolf to Tadashi's lab. Hiro looked around the lab it was quite roomy, big enough space for machines you might need while inventing" so what have you been working on?" Tadashi smiles" I'll show you" then he walks over and grabs duct tape, ripping a piece off, Hiro sighs" duct tape? Hate to break it to you Bro but it's already been invented" Tadashi pulls up Hiro's sleeve, placing the duct tape on his arm ignoring Hiro's hey and then ripping it off, Hiro drops Megabot, pulling his arm towards him" AH!! Dude!! OW!!" Wolf smirks finding that amusing, there was a beeping sound, Wolf looked over and saw a small red case, a light blinking, then slowly a white robot inflated out of the case, it waddled towards them, raised its hand doing a small circular motion" Hello. I am Baymax. Your personal healthcare companion" Hiro and Wolf stared with curiosity, Baymax said" I was alerted to the need for medical attention when you said' Ow'" Tadashi mouthing ow when Baymax said it. Hiro hums" a robotic... nurse?" his words sounding like a question. Baymax's belly glowed showing faces from yellow happy face to a red face below each number 1-10" On a scale of one to ten how would you rate your pain?" Hiro looked at Baymax" physically?-" he glares at Tadashi annoyed and continues sarcastically" or Emotionally" Tadashi pouted a little. Baymax blinks" I will scan you now" he looked up and down Hiro's body" scan complete. You have a slight epidermal abrasions on your forearm," in his belly screen it showed a silhouette of a body with a red mark on the forearm. He waddles close to Hiro" I suggest an antibacterial spray," he took Hiro's hand, extending his finger but Hiro stopped him" whoa, whoa, whoa what's in the spray specifically?" he was sly when asked that, having a sly look, Wolf rolls her eyes and shakes her head. Baymax showed the molecular structure of the spray on his belly" the primary ingredient is Bacitracin" Hiro clicked his tongue" that's a bummer, I'm actually allergic to that" Baymax tilted his head" you are not allergic to Bacitracin, you do have a mild allergy to; peanuts" Wolf made a mental note on that, she had good memory so she will remember to watch what Hiro eats and making sure he didn't eat any peanut filled food or candy. Baymax sprayed Hiro's arm using his index finger, Hiro smirks, looking at his brother" you did some serious coding on this thing huh?" Tadashi nods" yep programmed him with over ten thousand medical procedures," he then pushed a circle that was on Baymax's body, showing a green chip that had his name on it" this chip makes Baymax, Baymax" he then pushes it back into place, Hiro walked around Baymax, poking it" vinyl?" "I was going for a non threatening huggable kind of thing" Tadashi said, letting his brother examine the nurse robot, Wolf sniffs at him, Baymax looks down at her, scanning her also" the Canis Lupus also known as the common wolf better known as the Gray Wolf; female, weight: 58 lbs. and height: 5"6 as wolf, weight: 144.4 lbs. and height: 5"11 as human, teenager, very high body heat of 108 degrees Fahrenheit, age: fourteen, species wolf and human" Wolf's eyes widen' shit Baymax just blurted out that I was human to!' Hiro laughed" I think your robot is broken Big Brother, there are no such thing" Tadashi hums" I know he is working correctly, I knew this wolf was different from the others, Wolf show us your true form now" Hiro looks at his brother then Wolf" is that true?" Wolf looks down, luckily the door was closed, she shifted back to her human form, Hiro's eyes widen" HOLY MOTHER OF GUMMY BEARS!!!" Wolf hurried over, placing her hand on his mouth" ssshhhh!!! I don't want any one else to know about me!" Hiro nods, Wolf takes her hand off his mouth" I know you have a lot of questions, I'll answer them all tomorrow as it is late, are we done here Tadashi?" Tadashi nods, Baymax then holds out a lollipop to Hiro" you been a good boy, have a lollipop" Hiro grins, taking it" nice!" he took off the wrapper and placed it in his mouth, Baymax tilts his head a little" I cannot deactivate until you say you are satisfied with your care" Hiro smiles, taking out the lollipop" then I am satisfied with my care" Baymax waddles back to his charging station and shrinks back down in it. Wolf sighs" come on we need to go if you want to make it to that bot fight Hiro" Wolf turns towards the door and walks out, Hiro follows till they heard a person" burning the midnight oil Mr. Hamada?" the three turn and see an elderly looking man, walking up to them. Tadashi smiled" just finishing up Professor" he went back in his lab for something. Wolf hums' so he's a professor here huh' the professor asked if he could look at Hiro's robot, Hiro smiled and asked if he wanted to see how he put it together using the magnetic-bearing servos, there was a tap on the window, Hiro and Wolf looked at the window as it went transparent showing Tadashi" hey genius," he pointed to his professor" he invented them" then the window went back foggy, Hiro couldn't believe it, it was his idol" you're Robert Callaghan?!" they talked for awhile then the three left, on the steps Hiro exclaimed that he had to go here and if he doesn't then he would lose his mind, Wolf smirks" well Tadashi I didn't think you would change his mind in one night" Tadashi smirks feeling proud of himself watching his little brother ramble on about the labs, inventing, showing Callaghan what ideas he had in his brain" I knew he wouldn't be able to resist this place" Hiro ran to his brother" how do I get in?!?!" Wolf chuckles and turns back to her wolf form and the three head home, knowing that tomorrow was going to be very interesting with Hiro doing his best to get into the nerd school, Wolf will also have to work hard to, to be able to get in SFIT.

 Wolf hums' so he's a professor here huh' the professor asked if he could look at Hiro's robot, Hiro smiled and asked if he wanted to see how he put it together using the magnetic-bearing servos, there was a tap on the window, Hiro and Wolf looked...

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My wolf form

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