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Moonlight isn't appreciated enough. A single entity in the sky lighting the entire world around you with a faint glow is breathtaking. The moonlight turns mostly everything into a black and white scene with a tint of dark blue. A few streetlights glow a soft orange. Little diamonds scatter the sky around the moon and beyond. They fill her with a sense of longing. Within them, a missing friend is found. Between them, a conversation is held. She knows he's listening. Often she's frightened that he cannot hear her. Full of fear that she'll have to shout until her voice wears, just for him to catch a word of her sentence. Many times she'll break into a soft sobbing as longing to hear a familiar, soft voice consumes her, and her tough shell breaks until she's a beautiful mess. The pale moonlight outlines a broken girl's silhouette, making her appear as though she's a lonely ghost. It follows her arm as she reaches out towards her distant friend, hoping he'll meet her in the middle. The star twinkles in response. It moves with the rest of them through the night sky as time passes. She remains in her standing spot, following them with her eyes. She remains there for hours, not even realizing they're moving. For her, time has stopped. The world has stopped. Looking at the thousands of stars, she feels pain and peace at the same time. She is looking at a million brilliant stories and fates, some happy, some hopeful, some tragic. A million different stories, and yet, she's unable to tear herself away from the one that represents someone who brought her the world and not a year later, tore it out of her grasp. She longs to feel one last embrace from that special star that reflects in her eyes, but she knows that would require her own storybook to close, and she's not ready for that. She breaks her gaze away from her friend and looks around her. The moonlight still shines on every item in sight, casting both light and shadow. She watches the fireflies pass and every now and then, a shooting star hurries itself through the magnificent sky. She closes her eyes for a moment, and memories flood her mind. Memories of laughing, crying, hugging... and stargazing. The boy in the memories is almost never caught without a twinkling smile. She smiles to herself at the thought. Her eyes revisit the stargazer himself, wondering if he knows that he's now a part of what he once thought was beautiful. She asks him. The star twinkles in response. The next shooting star passes, and she wishes that she could hear the words his twinkles portray. The girl doesn't grow tired until she's talked and cried for hours. She doesn't want to stop looking at the beautiful sky that the friends once gazed at together. She doesn't want to leave him for the night, knowing that when she wakes up, a blinding star will be stealing the attention from the one she favors most. When she finally gets her goodbyes for the time being out of her mouth, and her last tears of the night fall, she shuts her eyes once again and thinks about him. A smile makes its way to her face. Her star had fallen out of her reach long ago, but he positioned himself so that she could visit every night. She waves and blows a kiss before going inside. The star twinkles in response.

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