11 | Lost in the Desert |

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I slid down the far side of the dune on my backside, caught my foot in the sand and tumbled over and over as I neared the bottom of it. My head was jolted back and forth, sand got into my nose, eyes and mouth and my injuries hurt more with each impact. If I had been able to draw enough breath, I would have screamed at the pain but the only noise I could make was a stunned 'Uh, uh, uh'.

When my uncontrolled fall finally deposited me at the foot of the dune, I got to my feet as soon as I could. I was weak and dizzy with the heat, my injuries, the fall and the headache from being near the ancient object I had been digging up, but I knew I needed to get as far from the camp as I could, because my tracks in the sand would be easy to follow.

Brandis would probably climb the dune I had just rolled down to look for me. I staggered off between the dunes; they all flowed in one direction, and walking along between them meant I should travel in a more or less straight line. I did not want to risk walking around in a circle, only to end up near the campsite where Brandis could attack me again. Besides which, I did not have the energy to climb the dunes again.

The sand in front of me shimmered in the heat of the sun, and it seemed that there was liquid lying on top of the sand. Was it the sea that Brandis had mentioned when we looked down on the dry bed of the Nineh? I shook my head to clear it, wiped the sweat from my eyes and ploughed on with aching limbs and heavy feet.

I had no water or food. Worse, Brandis had my knife and I would be unable to defend myself against him or anything else that threatened me. How long I could survive here in the desert in my current state? A day at most?

Although I was almost spent, I made myself trudge on between the dunes, turning often to look back as I walked but I didn't see any sign of movement behind me.

At last I had to stop and recover, the hot air sucked moisture from me with every breath, and I was shaking from exhaustion.My arms head and shoulders ached from Brandis' blows, and the cut to my forehead was still seeping blood. Weakened as I was, I knew my chances were not good, and I did not want to think of how it would feel as death drew closer to me.

The sun was beginning to dip down the sky, turning it a deeper blue, so I lay down in the slight shade of a dune. Each of my wounds called attention to itself, but, other than resting, there was nothing I could do to heal myself.

I must have lain there, more unconscious than asleep, for a long time. When I woke, faint stars had begun to speckle the darkening sky above me and the air was cooler. There was a lump on my forehead and my hands were swollen too. My bruised back was stiff and I groaned as I raised myself on my hands and knees before I stood up. Every part of me hurt as I moved around to loosen my aching muscles.

What should I do now?

If I carried on walking, I would die quickly. If I stayed still, it would take longer for me to die. I wondered about Yardin's prediction. Was this the choice I must make? I couldn't see how dying of thirst slowly or quickly could make any difference to anybody. Nobody else would die or hate me if I just faded away out here in the desert, no matter at what speed I achieved my death. I had just enough strength to smile at my indecision.

Moving on would give me a chance of finding something to drink, although it was unlikely. I staggered up to my feet, turned away from my footprints in the sand and began plodding on again, my feet dragging through the sand at every step.

The night was cooler and my head felt slightly clearer. I tried not to think about how thirsty I was. My mind wandered as my body took over. I knew that if I found another of the fleshy stemmed plants I would seize it and drink its sap, no matter what dreams followed. Thoughts of the fresh, cool water from the deep pool on the farm filled my mind. I imagined it trickling over my cracked lips, into my dry mouth and down my throat. It just made me feel even more thirsty. I wanted to cry but I had no moisture left for tears.

The dunes began to sway from side to side and I shook my head to clear it. It was almost fully dark and I should have stopped to rest again, but I was so thirsty that I pushed myself to place one foot after the other for as long as I had the strength to keep on moving in the vain hope that I might stumble across water.

At last my strength gave out. The last thing I knew was that the ground was rising to meet me and I welcomed its solidity beneath me.

My troubles would soon be over.


What do you think will happen next?

What would you like to do to Brandis?

These last two chapters have been quite sad. How are they making you feel?

Any feedback good or bad is truly appreciated, I am trying to make this the best story I can. Please let me know if you find anything confusing or if you think I've left anything out.

And finally, if you liked it, please vote press that little yellow ⭐️ so that I know!

Anni X

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