Chapter Four

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We lay on top of an abandoned warehouse that was very close to my hunting grounds in Springfield. It made me a littel nervous, but I kept my cool as we looked up at the sky. The full moon was brilliant and captivating, and I couldn't take my eyes off it. It was the best part of being a creature of the night; being able to roam the shadows with the moon shining down on you with confidence. In a way, the moon was the mother I hadn't had in centuries, and I always felt comforted under her soft glow.

"What are you thinking about?" Xavier asked, bringing back to reality.

I blinked. "Just about how beautiful the moon is," I answered.

"She is beautiful," he said. "But not as beautiful as a certain someone laying right next to me."

I rolled my eyes and sat up, running a hand through my hair. "Now how many girls have you said that line to?" I asked.

He sat up too. "None. I don't really have very much time for girls," he said.

I looked at him. "Why not?" I asked.

He hesitated, and I got the sensation he was hiding something important. "I just have more important things to do," he answered.

I looked away from him and focused my eyes back on the moon.

"You're an exception, Alissa," he said, lightly running his finger along my arm, leaving goosebumps in its wake. "Something about you just captivates me."

I looked down at my arm as he started tracing small circles on my upper arm, wondering what it would feel like to feel his touch along my whole body. My skin heated up at the thought, and I glanced at his lips. They looked soft and inviting, and I lightly chewed on the inside of my lip as I contemplated his reaction to me kissing him.

When I met his gentle gaze, I knew he had the same thought on his mind. He slowly began to lean in, and I started to panic. If he didn't buy the excuse about my cold hands, how would I explain my cold lips? And what if his hands traveled elsewhere?

He was so close now, so close I could feel his breath fanning my lips. I wanted to kiss him so bad; every fiber in my body was screaming at me to let him kiss me, just this once. But something else, deep down inside, was telling me this was a bad idea. It rolled around in my gut, crying out with every second he became closer. If I had learned anything from my six centuries of immortality, it was to trust my gut.

He closed his eyes, and that was when I pulled back, clearing my throat. He stopped, and I saw him clench his jaw before opening his eyes to look at me for a few moments before he leaned back and ran a hand through his short black hair. I could tell he was frustrated by me pulling away, but I didn't care. If my gut told me it was a bad idea, then I wasn't taking the risk.

"I'm sorry," I said, figuring I should at least apologize.

He shook his head. "No, it's my fault. Too soon," he said.

I hesitated and then nodded. "Yeah," I mumbled.

He sighed. "Alright then. How about we get to know each other now?" he asked. "Twenty questions?"

I laughed, nodding. "Sounds good to me," I replied. "You start."

"Okay. Uhm... favorite color?"

"Black and red. What about you?"

"Same," he said with a laugh.

"Favorite sport?" I asked.

"Football. You?"

"Personally, I like soccer just because... well... because the guys take their shirts off when they win," I said with an embarassed laugh.

He laughed too and rolled his eyes and then nudged me with his elbow. "Your turn," he said, smiling at me.

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