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Hey guys!!! I WAS going to be mean and actually have Alissa die, but my boyfriend was like, "Noooo, she can't die!!!"

And I was like, "Why not?"

His reponse? "Because I don't want her to."

... Yeah. I know, right? But, becuase I love my darling Nicki Bear so much (and you fabulous people who are reading this story ;D) I decided to have Lissa LIVE!! Yayy!! :DD

I want to thank my boyfriend (who I mentioned earlier if ya don't remember cuz you have horrible memory skills like me ;P) for urging me to keep writing and making me feel like a million bucks every day. I love you, Nick :) you're my knight in shining armor and I lurve you da mostest :P

Aaaaaanndd thank you to all of my readers for staying interested in this story and putting up with my horrible writing skills... lol you guys rock!! I love you guys so much.... so, so much.... *crickets*


Hehe :P

Thanks again to EVERYONE!!! :DD






*whispers* check out my new story The Other Side. It should be a good one, but Idk, check it out and tell me what you think. Tanks mucho :)

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