Cringe-part two

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Cringe-Part 2

As I sighed I walked into Slena's room with my backpack and she grinned saying,"Looks like little miss decided to join us afterall!",I replied with a smirk,"Did I really have a choice?"


" Is Emma coming too?"

"Of course"

"Where is she?",I asked then we heard Emma run up the stairs and tap me in the next second.

She said very happily,"we're going to school!!!"

I said with a smirk,"Let's hope we don't run into any werewolves I just heard that a whole entire pack just moved on the island."

Selena laughed and said,"They will be dead the second I see them,Now let's go we don't wanna be late!!!"

And we ran.

Please comment and tell me what you think! Part three -Five will be out tomorrow!!!!

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