Chapter 8: Revelations, Relations and Reservations

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*Mikey POV*

"She's so pretty! and talented!"

"Bring her to Digi!"

"Mara 5ever"

"I ship Mara!"

"She needs to make a beauty channel!"

"They really seem to love you!" I cheered.

She released an anxiety-filled-breath, "I thought they'd hate me!"

"How could anyone hate you? You're perfect," I cooed, pushing some of her hair behind her ear.

"MIKEY! Mikey, you need to pack for your little tour! *opens door* Don't forget you're under- Oh! Cara, what a pleasant surprise! Mikey, why don't you take Cara!?" my mother always has to ruin the moment.

"Oh thank you! What tour?" Cara questioned.

"Digi-tour. It's in New York. You could come, if you're allowed, and if you want..." I trailed off.

"Only if you come to one of my competitions!" I yelled.

"Deal. Now go check with you're parents to see if you can go! Then come back, because he's leaving in three hours!" my mother screamed, and Cara left to check with her parents.

"Michael, if you two go, I'll trust you stay in the same room, but I don't want grandchildren. So I expect you to not be a dumb-ass and keep yourself to yourself," and she also preached about 'the talk', but I'll save you for that one.

*Cara POV*

"DAMN YOU MARCUS. I'M LEAVING," my mother screamed, storming from the house.

I hid in the coat closet, and waited for her to walk by. When I opened the door, I saw droplets of blood, and knew this time was bad. I grabbed the whiskey flask from under the couch. I filled it with a couple sleeping pills, and water.

"Hey daddy?" I cooed, handing him the flask.

"Oh, thank you. What can I get my favorite, beautif- *hiccup* daughter?" he slurred.

"Can I go to New York with some friends? I'll be back soon!" I promised.

"Uhm, is your mother gone?" he interrogated.

"Yeah, but she wouldn't have let me go," I frowned.

"Yes, you can go. Take the card, and be safe. I love you, Rosalina," he slurred, before flopping on the couch, unconscious.

"Who's Rosalina?" I thought.

I fist pumped, and practically tumbled down into the basement. I waded between the bins of old VHS tapes, baby memorabilia, and miscellaneous items. I dove into a pile, grabbed the neon green suitcase, and lugged it up the stairs as fast as possible. The basement is literally the creepiest place in New Jersey.

I packed all the essentials: clothes, toiletries, make-up, hair things, electronics. I made sure I looked good, and walked with my suitcase back to Mikey's house.

I saw my mother crying in her car, and tapped on the window. She jumped, but relaxed, seeing it was sober-me. She rolled down the window.

"Where are you going at 8 o'clock?" she sniffled.

"I don't think it's safe here tonight, and Mikey offered for me to go with him to a convention with him. It's in New York, so I can come back soon," I prayed she'd let me go.

"Yes, it isn't safe here. I'll be staying with Grammy-Bethel. So, call me if you need me. Be safe, I love you," she kissed my forehead, and left a blood stamp of her lips. I rolled on the street, and up to Mikey's door. I didn't even knock, because I spend so much time here. I walked in, and left my shoes and suitcase by the door.

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