Chapter One: By the pool side.

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I always loved writing lists ,they calm me down in a way that I can't explain,the make me feel safe and pleased when everything is ticked of...

And that's what I was doing Saturday night in the first week of the summer holidays, that's what I was doing when I got the call... The call that would change my life forever.

"Hello?" I say when I pick up. " Who is this?"

" It's Natalie..."

I smile , just Natalie,my sweet best friend, Nat...

"Hey Nat ,what's up?"

" Can you come round? Please?" Was it just the phone or did her voice crack a little?

" I ...sure when?" I ask, almost dropping the phone in my urgency to get a notepad and pen...I was sooooo going to write a list of what we're gonna do!

"Now..." Nat says and then the line goes dead.

 'ok so no time for a list ,I think as I get up and grab my bike (I'm fifteen so still to young to drive.) and start peddling out of the driveway.

I knock hard on Nat's door after fastening my bike to her car then wait for her to come... "Hey..." Nat says moving out of the way so I can step inside , I grin at her totally excited for our sleepover together " I have so many ideas for what we can do tonight flopping down on the bed and starting to unpack. "We're gonna make cake and coke floats and then we can watch the DVD I brought! Oh oh and I brought a massive make-up kit! Unless you had something better to do,I mean I know you like to plan sleepovers! This is gonna be awesome!" I pull my  last item out of my suit case and put it away before turning to Nat.

Nat's staring at me looking all depressed. " What?" I say," Did I do something to upset you?" Nat shakes her head but remains silent. then she looks up "Bethany..." she whispers. Ok something's wrong, we never call each other by our full names, it's always been Beth and Nat.

"Bethany." she says again this time clearer and louder.  "Beth,I have Cancer..."


Helloooooooo, guys! I really hope you enjoyed this chapter ,I know it's very badly written but it's really just to introduce the character's and plot ,also it will take a while to update sory about the! bye x 

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