Chapter four: One list to rule them all.

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I stare at Nat in shock... "excuse me?" I say staring at her in a mix of utter horror and shock... "I have cancer." I shake my head "No you don't ...this is a prank ,you can't have." But she did just like my parent's did when I didn't believe them , I'm adopted because they died.

"How long do you have left?"I ask in a shaking voice,

"They don't know ,I might have at least a year... But then again I might die tomorrow " Nat mutters looking kind of upset ,and of course she has every right too. I take a deep breath "Well then we're gonna have to make the most of the time you have left won't we?" I say smiling and squeezing Nat's hand she laughs her face breaking into a grin "Yes we will."

I pull out a notepad and pen "We should write a list of all the things you want to do with me before you ,you know..." I trail off. "Die." Nat finishes calmly ,"Yeah ,yeah that's a great idea!"

So we spent most of the night writing down things we'll spend Nat's time doing.

The list went something like this ,although they both agreed that they should be able to add anything that came to mind.

The list:

Go on a cruise around the world,

Go to Disney land Paris,

Take a selfie on the Eiffel tower,

Ride and elephant,

Eat pizza and Ice cream in Italy,

So far that's what we had come up with ,I take a deep shaky breath ," You do realise what this means, don't you?" 

"Yes ,we're gonna have to skip school for a year and run away while we're on the cruise and hope I die before we get back so we can escape getting into a whole lot of trouble. It's not like either of our parents will even notice we're gone is it? Nat says calmly , Ok so she does have a point her parents are always at work and I doubt that they actually care if she dies of cancer and the lord knows why my parents even bothered to adopt me.

I grin "well then,we better spend the remainder of his sleepover booking a cruise then won't we?" Nat's eyes silently sparkle as she powers up her computer ,

A few minuets later we were picking a room on 'The Dolphin cruise ship.'

"ohhh that's the one!" Nat cried pointing and I couldn't help but agree , it was an en suit with two single beds and one double it had a watery mermaid theme.

"It's perfect!" I cry in delight.   

Sweet and Sour.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang